The weather has been hotter, but I haven't! We spent the day in the city yesterday helping our #2 son and his girlfriend move. It was hot...very hot....VERY VERY hot. I know I have never suffered more from the heat, ever. We weren't particularly overdoing it either; it just seemed anything as simple as walking was difficult. Sure do hope the next time they have to move that it's might be in the cooler weather! We convinced them they needed to buy an air conditioner last night and stayed later to help them get it installed. I don't think they will regret having it.
Today's picture pretty much shows my work desk/table (old door on legs) and the shelf above it. At some point Jack will be 'closing in' the open shelf and giving me cupboards. Above the iron you can see one of my garage sale finds - a rotating holder for baby food bottles, which in turn hold all sorts of odds & ends. There's a lighted magnifier beside that (wish it was a proper Ott one!). Just beneath the shelf I have a band of cork where I post notes to myself. Two of my art dolls also reside on the shelf, along with a whole lot of other assorted 'stuff'. Don't get excited if you notice my roll of toilet paper (no, I don't use it in the manner to which it is intended!), which is great to wipe up little bits of spills, excess glue and such. Better, and less wasteful, than using a whole paper towel. My trusty Janome is sitting on the table, ready for use. To the extreme left you can see one of my two thread spool holders.
There, folks, is my studio with all it's warts and delights. Hope you have enjoyed your virtual tour and maybe have a few ideas of things you might be able to use in your own space! Now we await the arrival of the garden tour officials to examine Jack's gardening abilities...