Just wanted to remind you that some of your
comments are still not coming through to my
email inbox so I will try my best to reply to
you directly on my blog. Please, if you don't
receive a response, don't think I'm ignoring you!
I appreciate hearing from you so much!!
Alas I seem to have no pictures of my work available to show you today. It's been one of those weeks where I was being 'social' and there was precious little in the way of creativity happening. I can, however, lead you to what I'm working on in the evenings. If you go HERE and scroll down to the bottom and notice the blue and white sweater on the right you'll see. Mine will be somewhat different and I will be sharing a picture as soon as I get it done. Seems to me there's a wee grandson out there that just 'happens' to be a fan of Chase and so a doting grandma can't let this opportunity pass her by.
A bit of a report re 'Jack's balls' - yesterday was laundry day and we gave them a test run. We used two balls per dryer load and they seem to work!! The true test will come in the winter when static is more of an issue but for now we're quite pleased. One of my blog readers (thank you!) said that she uses four at a time with good success so we'll have to keep doing test runs to see what might work best for us. Jack just might have to make some more!
A bit of a report re 'Jack's balls' - yesterday was laundry day and we gave them a test run. We used two balls per dryer load and they seem to work!! The true test will come in the winter when static is more of an issue but for now we're quite pleased. One of my blog readers (thank you!) said that she uses four at a time with good success so we'll have to keep doing test runs to see what might work best for us. Jack just might have to make some more!
Today's quote..."No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all. Integrity is everything"