Created by Pam Campbell
(sorry, the picture I took of the label is
blurry and hard to read to be sure of the last name)
Created by Pam Campbell
Sometimes things happen that mystify me. I'm sure you will be greatly saddened to learn that I'm dead. Yep - deader than a doornail. At least according to the local funeral home I am. Every once in awhile I google my own name just for the fun of it. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that I'd died and that my obit was on the funeral home web site.
Hmmmm - maybe I should lie down?
I emailed the funeral home and, rather tongue-in-cheek, told them that I was very much alive, despite their evidence to the contrary. It wasn't 5 minutes and the phone rang. It was the director calling to apologize. I did feel sorry for the poor man because of course I started laughing hysterically and finally he just gave up and laughed too. He promptly removed the notice so I guess he'll just have to wait awhile longer to get his clutches on my cold dead body.
This week I will try to show you just a few of the quilts that caught my eye at the show. These are only a portion of what was on display.
- Have a peek through the gallery of THIS artist.
- There's a reveal of a QAL HERE. It's really different and quite attractive so some of you might be interested in it.
- HERE is another artist that does some pretty incredible work!
- THIS post shows some amazing paper art creations with links to learn more about each.
Your quote for the day..."You can't save someone who is not willing to particpate in their own rescue"
I thought some of you might like to see my display as 'Featured Quilter' for our quilt show that is on today and tomorrow. Thanks to my Resident Chef who helped me hang all these AND get them reasonably straight.
Over the next few posts I will show you some of the other quilts that caught my eye at the show so stay tuned!
- I came across THIS CAL and of course you know there's a wee little girl in my life that just *might* be finding it under the tree at Christmas.
- There are a ton of fun ideas HERE for using up scrap fabrics.
- Have a look at the creations of THIS artist (and be sure to take note of what she uses!)
- I stumbled across THESE and thought you might find them interesting as well.
- Some of you might be interested in seeing THIS comprehensive list of QAL's happening throughout 2023. Thanks to Jocelyn for this one.
I'm sure you all must have felt the earth move yesterday as I did a celebration dance over the fact that my two big UFO's are done, done AND done! This smaller quilt has been hanging over my head for three years and I can finally call it finished. It was an online class that Rhonda Dort ran in 2020 and I signed on so I could use some of the vintage linens that I inherited from my mom and my grandma.
- THIS is an intriguing use for old books.
- THIS caught my eye.
- Have a peek through the galleries of THIS artist.
- And THIS one too! Be sure to scroll down to see his dried flower creations.
- If you click on the individual listings HERE and then scroll down you can go through her galleries of amazing works.
Today the quote is from Wayne Dyer..."When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change"
Over the weekend I stitched (by hand) four hundred and twenty six inches of quilt binding and can happily say that I have gotten all the way around that massive quilt and I can almost call it DONE. All that's left is to make the label and sew it on. I still have the small quilt to do but my hands aren't happy so it will have to wait awhile.
- There are lots of interesting ideas HERE to upcycle silverware.
- Enjoy the slideshow of THIS incredible artist!!!
- I thought THIS was interesting and might have to give it a try.
- And THIS as well.
The quote of the day is by Mindy Kaling..."Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Especially not yourself"
Don't know if any of you have tried, or are fans of, cold brew coffee but this is what we just tried making...
The navel contemplation has resulted in this...
- Our local fire department posted THIS and strongly suggest that everyone should have it on their phones in case of emergency. If you're ever in an accident or hurt emergency personnel can track you easily even if you're in a remote area.
- Never let it be said that what you find in the links here isn't sometimes totally odd, as THIS will attest!
- Have a peek through the galleries of THIS artist.
- THIS caused an 'awwww' (and scrolling down will provide even more!)
- And further on the 'odd' things I might unearth, how about THIS?
Today's quote..."When you've done something wrong, admit it and be sorry. No one in history has ever choked to death from swallowing his pride"
Yes, I'm contemplating my navel. Quite stimulating it is, too. I think navel contemplation sounds like a much more interesting activity than simply spinning my wheels, don't you? And just to prove that my mind works in mysterious ways (you HAVE figured that one out, right?) and that navel contemplation is really a 'thing'..."omphaloskepsis, noun, (om-fuh-loh-skep-sis), - contemplation of one's navel as part of a mystical exercise"
So there, navel contemplation!
I'm progressing on these but it's proving to be slow between the fact I'm doing four at once and being away from home a lot over the past few days.
- Have a look at the portfolios of THIS incredible artist!
- There's an excellent article HERE that discusses slow stitching and how to do it.
- THESE are pretty and should be easy to make.
- Have a look at THIS!!!!
Your quote for today..."Six months from now you will either have six months of excuses or six months of progress. The choice is yours"
I've been working at quilting the four seasons projects and trying to tamp down my natural inclination to gussy them up with lots of embroidery and details. I know there won't be time in a one-day workshop format for even finishing them to the stage I'm showing you here much less adding any further details. I think I will add a fence in the foreground which should be something they can accomplish on their own.
- Sit and watch the slide show of works by THIS artist.
- Or how about the incredible creations of THIS artist (and take note of what he uses in his art!)
- THIS is one of those things that elicits an 'awwww'
- At first I thought the art done by THIS artist was fabric, but it's paper! (click on 'Artwork' in her sidebar to be taken to her galleries)
The quote of the day..."When it comes down to it, the only knowledge that really matters is how to purify water, how to grow your own food, how to cook, how to build, and how to love. And funnily enough, we're not taught any of it in school"
Many of you guessed correctly that what I showed you in my last post is a doll - the Topsy-Turvy Dolly design by Jean Greenhowe. I've often wanted to make a topsy-turvy doll and having a wee granddaughter means that I can indulge myself. Hope she likes it!
- THIS is a pretty bag that could be made using scraps.
- And if you have any charm packs in your stash, perhaps one of THESE designs might intrigue you.
- I know I shouldn't mention anything to do with THAT date in December but sometimes I stumble across something that catches my eye as THIS did. (ducking and running from all the rotten eggs being thrown my way).
- THIS is one of those things that just made me smile.
I think Kermit has this one right...
It seems my knitting needles have been working overtime on this project and it's not close to being done yet. In the meantime you can see the progress here and take some guesses about what it might be.
- You might like to take a virtual stroll through THIS.
- THIS is an interesting concept - not sure I would attempt it but never say never! While you're there, have a peek through her other work.
- If you decide to make one (or more) of the crochet hats I linked to in my previous post, perhaps you might like to have THIS chart handy. AND, if you want to stiffen the brim of your hat, read THIS.
- Have a peek at the amazing weavings of THIS artist!
Your quote..."Life is so ironic. It takes sadness to know what happiness is, noise to appreciate silence, and absence to value the presence"
Nope, nothing to be seen here. Sadly. I've done a little stitching on one of the samples but it's not something that would show up in a picture. Resident Chef is making noises about taking back his kitchen which will mean I have a little more time for sewing so hopefully I can get back on track soon.
- Have a peek at the beautiful creations of THIS artist!
- The other day I shared a link for making flower 'holders' using plastic mesh but THESE are even prettier!
- THESE pots are intriguing (and while you're there, check into her other galleries)
- If you like hats, have a peek at the designs found HERE.
I came across this moldy-oldie that I remember my mother quoting when I was a kid...
I've discovered that working on four landscapes at a time seems far more time-consuming than only doing one. I suppose that stands to reason doesn't it! Of course interruptions to feed a soon-to-starve-if-he-doesn't-get-fed husband totally messes with my flow of creativity.
- I enjoyed reading THIS post and it's a pretty pattern as well.
- Some of you might find THIS of interest.
- THIS too!
- HERE is a fun idea for your garden decor.
- Have a peek through the creations of THIS artist.
Your quote today is from Emily Dickinson..."Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all"