A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Crazy quilting again

Over the past few days I've been working on a new crazy quilt project.  It's not ready to show just yet, but here's a couple of glimpses of what's been done so far...

This quote made me smile..."I'm a repurposing, upcycling, vintage adoring, antiquing, dumpster diving, garage sale-ing, thrift store hunting, junk sifting, yard-n-tag sale shopping, glue gunning, stencil & spray painting, do it myself-ing, look what I made kind of girl!"

Monday, July 29, 2019

Two 'fer one special

Today I have a two 'fer one special going on (two projects 'fer one post...hah hah).  First of all, I made a couple produce bags....

Stash fabric, but I purchased the mesh which is the 'stuff' you use when lining bathing suits and such.  Don't know what it's called though!

And...another pair of the generic socks that will be going in the Christmas box....

Pair 5 of 9
Regia sock yarn

Friday, July 26, 2019

Diving and Busting

Yep, I went stash diving and ended up busting some outta bondage and into the light of day.  First up, I made a couple of tote bags.

Some of you may remember my trying to use up a pre-quilted whole cloth chunk of quilt I was given and that I added several of the doilies from my stash to it.  I finally used up the rest of it to make this....

I was stash diving and came across some brown upholstery sample squares I've had for ages and thought I should be able to make something out of them.  Also came across a piece of chocolate-themed fabric and decided another tote bag might be a good use for at least some of it......

Two more things going in the Christmas box!

And while I was putzing about with the upholstery fabric sample squares I realized I had just enough to make this cute little pillow cover for our grandson....

Measures about 16" square

Today's quote..."This is the beginning of a new day.  You have been given this day to use as you will.  You can waste it or use it for good.  What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.  When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever.  In its place is something that you have left behind.  Let it be something good" 

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

More recipes

I'm running behind today so this post is going to be a simple one.  Thought I'd share a couple more recipes we find quite tasty...


1 small onion
2/3 c. sugar
1/2 tsp. dry mustard
1/2 tsp. salt
1/3 c. white vinegar
1 c. salad oil
1 tsp. poppy seeds
Place onion in blender and chop.  Add sugar, mustard, salt and vinegar & blend.  Add oil a small amount at a time.  Add poppy seeds and refrigerate.  Use on salads, as a sandwich spread, or as a 'dip' for raw veggies.


2/3 c. raspberry vinegar
1/3 c. vegetable oil
1/3 c. sugar
2 T. lemon juice
2 tsp. poppy seeds
1/4 tsp. Worcestershire
1 T. minced onion
1/4 tsp. paprika
Combine vinegar, sugar, lemon juice, Worcestershire, onion & paprika in blender.  Slowly add veg oil.  Add poppy seeds & refrigerate.  Serve over romaine lettuce with sliced strawberries and pecans.


1 c. mayo (we use Miracle Whip)
1/2 c. sour cream
1/2 tsp. EACH dried chives, parsley & dill
1/4 tsp. EACH garlic power & onion powder
1/8 tsp. EACH salt & pepper
Combine in blender and refrigerate.  Use on salads, as a sandwich spread, or as a 'dip' for veggies.  

I don't have time today to search out any fun links for you (sorry), so I will leave you with today's anonymous quote...."When nothing goes right, go left"

Monday, July 22, 2019

Well, it's happened

Yep, it's official.  I'm an old farte.  And I don't feel any older despite the calendar saying I should.  The best part is the government is now going to see fit to pay me for the privilege of being old....bring it on!!!

The weekend was very hot here so not much was done on the creative side of things. about a nice summer recipe?  We've been eating this one the past couple of nights and I have to say it's pretty tasty and perfect for summer.

2 small boxes Lemon Jello
1 cup boiling water
1 small can crushed pineapple, drained
1/2 c. salad dressing
1 c. chopped celery
1 c. chopped walnuts (optional)
16 oz. cottage cheese
1/2 c. whipping cream, whipped ***

*** NOTE:  Resident Chef didn't have any whipping cream on hand, so he made up a lemon instant pudding and used that instead....tastes great!  Left out the walnuts too (didn't have any in the cupboard).  

Dissolve Jello in boiling water and refrigerate until starting to jell.  Add remaining ingredients.  Chill and Enjoy!! thing I did over the weekend  .....

I didn't have snaps, so I opted to use
dome fasteners that I gussied up with buttons.
Had just a bit enough scrap of fabric leftover from
making my sock knitting bag, so a win/win.

Today your quote is from Lucy Levenson..."If I plan something I never enjoy it as much.  I like the journey of not knowing how it turns out"

Friday, July 19, 2019

And....the beginning of something else!

Over the next little while there just might be a few baby-ish things appearing here at Chez Magpie...and this is the start of one of them....

Why, you might ask?
Well...there's a wee little 'grand' bundle of joy
to love  making an appearance 
in our lives come the end of January.
So...what's a grandma to do but make things?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Another tah dah moment!

And......we have another finish!!  I loved making this one and I know I will be searching for more crusty rusty vehicles so I can do more (not that I'm giving up my love of buildings anytime soon!).  There are definitely NOT enough hours in the days to create all of these I would like to do.  (Please excuse the quality of the photo - of course it's raining here and the lighting is dismal!)


The color in the close-up is a bit more 'true' ...

Inspired by this photo and kindly used with the permission of Dale Stewart (thank you!!!!)......

Today's quote...." I feel like a failure.  I've been shopping for craft supplies for 20 years and I still don't have what I need"

Monday, July 15, 2019

and....another one bites the dust....

....another pair of socks that is!
#4 of 9, using my favourite sock 'recipe'...

Yarn is, once again, 'Pairfect' by Regia.  

I think there will be a finished landscape to
show you on Wednesday, so stay tuned!

Throwing this out to you for help...
If, in your travels over the summer, 
you come across a great old rusty 
tractor or vehicle and are able to stop (safely!)
and get me some good clear photos I
would certainly appreciate it!
Fodder for such things is scarce in this area.
(of course I'm always interested in old houses,
churches and barns too!)

Today's quote..."Life is amazing.  And then it's awful.  And then it's amazing again.  And in between the amazing and the awful, it's ordinary and mundane and routine.  Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the awful, and relax and exhale during the ordinary.  That's just  living a heartbreaking, soul-healing, amazing, awful, ordinary life.  And it's breathtakingly beautiful"

Friday, July 12, 2019

Soapboxes, progress, and pretties

First, I'll start with the soapbox....this morning we had our first telemarketer call at 6:50 am.  Followed by two more within half an hour.  What is WRONG with these people?  Do they not know that your heart stops when the phone rings that early in the morning?  Do they not know that there are (hah) laws that state they are legally not allowed to call before 9 am and after 9 pm?  If we didn't live in an apartment and there were noise bylaws in place I would buy a whistle (or even better an air horn).  Maybe deafening the suckers might give them pause for thought - although I seriously doubt it.  Fortunately we have call display and never answer calls that are from a number we don't recognize and you'd think they would get tired of calling when they get no response.  
Climbing off soapbox now.

And just to get my ohmmmm about these....

Resident Chef bought me flowers!
No special reason either....lucky me.💖

And here's a progress picture...

Today's quote, from Francine Ohiar..."Some people just don't get that I'd rather talk to a wall than them"

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

A bit more progress

Hopefully you can see a bit of what I've added to the landscape over the past few days.  Still more to go!

Today's quote..."One small crack does not mean that you are broken.  It means that you were put to the test and you didn't fall apart"

Monday, July 08, 2019

December in July

I did accomplish a little more on the landscape over the weekend but not enough that you can really see much of a difference.  So....instead of showing you's another of my 'evening projects' I just finished.  Something else for the Christmas box!

The pattern is the 'Basic Knitted Socks' by
Kate Atherly, and can be found on
Ravelry HERE.
Yarn is 'Pairfect' by Regia.

This is my 'go-to' sock pattern - easy and lots of
stretch so they fit quite well.  The only thing I change is to
begin with 12 rows of knit 1, purl 1 for additional
stretch at the top.  

Friday, July 05, 2019

And yet more progress

As you can see, there has been a bit more progress on the old car part of the landscape.  

Sometimes there are mysteries that happen here at Chez Magpie and yesterday PMS Albatross decided in her wisdom that she should start sewing one of the decorative stitches completely backwards.  No reason.  At first I thought it was because I had pressed the reverse button but then I remembered that the decorative stitches don't HAVE a reverse option.  So why, oh why, did this particular hissy fit occur?  Yet another in the litany of idiosyncrasies of PMS Albatross!!  

Today's quote..."Warning!  This woman is a quilter.  She actually enjoys chopping up perfectly good fabric into little teeny tiny pieces and then sewing them all right back together again for fun!"

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

A bit of progress

There has been a bit done on the newest landscape as you can see from this photo...


Today's quote..."In the rhythm of the needles there is music for the soul"

Monday, July 01, 2019

Another finished project

Over the weekend I finished working on another gift that will be added to the Christmas box.  I really enjoyed working with the bright colours and of course the Lego theme was a winner in my eyes.  The pattern is the crocheted 'Building Blocks Throw' from Red Heart and can be found HERE.  I would recommend, if you were to do this, that you use a #3 yarn, rather than the # 4 the pattern calls for.  It's a tad heavy and I think a bit lighter weight yarn would suit it better.  

Another anonymous quote (and one that I think we can all identify with at times!)..."A perfect metaphor for my life would be 'someone trying to stand in a hammock'