A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, July 31, 2023

More additions!

 Over the weekend I spent some time adding the ground area to the sky and Resident Chef seems to be starting to see my 'vision'.  Still don't think he's totally on board with it but I'm carrying on anyway.

- I don't know if you've heard about the Loose Ends initiative, but if you haven't, perhaps you'd like to read more about it HERE.

- Have a peek through the designs of THIS artist.  While you're there, have a look at her blog too because there are lots of technique how to's there.

- THIS made me laugh.

- THIS is a fun idea for a collaborative art project.

Today's quote..."It's okay to say - no, if you don't want to do it;  no, if you're already scheduled; no, if you don't have the time; no, if you feel forced to say yes; no, if it doesn't make you happy; no, if you'd rather relax.  It's okay to say no"

Friday, July 28, 2023

Back at it

 The sky is now put together and ready to be quilted once I add the rest of the elements.  Resident Chef is quite hesitant to say whether or not he likes it (which in 'DH-speak' means he doesn't!).  I think I'm keeping it though and am pleading artistic license.   We'll see what he has to say once the landscape is done.  

I've spent altogether too many hours scouting out the prices for travel insurance and must admit that it's rather upsetting to realize that insurance is pretty much the same price as air fares.  Doesn't help that one of us is over 80 and the other is pushing 70.  I guess old farts aren't supposed to want to travel.  

- There are links HERE to a number of tote bag patterns.

- Have a peek through the gallery of THIS artist.

- THIS is an interesting interview with another amazing artist.

- I know none of you want to acknowledge that there's a 'certain' date in December, but being that 'Christmas in July' seems to be a thing - how about THIS?

Today's quote..."It's better to look back on life and say: "I can't believe I did that" than to look back and say:  "I wish I had done that"

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Sky, postponed, in favour of this....

 Never let it be said that I lack determination!  I purchased that bee-themed fabric you saw in my previous post with the idea of making a little dress for our wee grandie.  Then I got to wondering...would there happen to be enough to maybe, just maybe, make her a matching diaper cover too.  And then the wondering took another turn, and perhaps there MIGHT be just enough to make a little hat to match.  After much twisting and turning and sqeeeeeeezing the fabric, I got enough...phew.  

Dress is McCall's 6944, reversible hat is from HERE, and the diaper cover pattern came from HERE 

And....Resident Chef appeared in my sewing room doorway with a bouquet he'd picked from his balcony chopped up and in the freezer for winter-time use.

- Take a stroll (scroll) through THESE.  

- THESE are fun to see.  

- I'm going to give THIS a try because I have some tarnished necklaces that I haven't been able to wear. 

-There's an excellent article HERE about slow stitching.

- You know I love denim, so of course THIS artist caught my eye.

Today's quote..."Books, minds and umbrellas only work if they're open"

Monday, July 24, 2023

Sky's the limit?

 First of all, Resident Chef thanks you for all the birth day wishes - we did go out for supper, ate far too much, and spent the next day in a state of sloth until we recovered. 

I had the probably-not-so-smart idea to create the sky for the new landscape using hexies.  Not exactly the most un-time-consuming process and then I have to contemplate how I'm going to quilt it.  Sometimes my ideas don't always translate into being easy!

And now, my attention has to deviate from the landscape and switch over to doing something with these fabrics...

- There are a number of quite interesting fibre art books reviewed HERE.  Perhaps you might see one you would want in your own library (or try to find them through your local library).  

- I enjoyed scrolling through THESE.  

- I know I've sent you HERE before, but it's worth another visit because there's been a lot added to her galleries.  

- You have to go and see THIS!!!  Pay attention to the fact that there are gazillions of itty bitty teeny pieces that went into it AND she used her own hand-dyed fabrics.  

Today's quote..."Life is too short to worry about what others say or think about you.  So have fun and give them something to talk about"

Friday, July 21, 2023

"That' Box additions - and upcoming

 Do you remember me showing you a pile of fabrics the other day?  Well, they have been turned into three pillowcases for grandies - 2 are going in the Christmas box and the Star Wars one is heading out in the mail to our oldest grandie as we speak.  

And, because I simply can't help myself, I am embarking on a new landscape based on this photo....

 Photo by Dale Stewart, and used with his kind permission.

For some reason this image really appeals to me.  It's stark in a way because it's obviously in the prairies and there's no real 'background', just the truck and the sign, but it speaks volumes.  I'm toying with a different idea for making the background...which might, or might not, work.  Stay tuned!!

And, today my Resident Chef is celebrating his birthday (well, actually HE's trying to ignore it, but I won't let him!).  He gets the night off from cooking because I'm taking him out for supper.

- Thanks to Maywyn, I have discovered THIS music video and I'm obsessed.  I dare you to listen to it and not dance!!

- It might be fun to play around with THIS technique.

- Have a look through THESE!!

- Never let it be said that what you find on this blog isn't sometimes something that you didn't need to know but now you realize you do (go HERE for a good example!).

Today's quote is from Joshua Becker..."When you choose to collect experiences rather than things, you never run out of storage space"

Wednesday, July 19, 2023


 "The Three Churches of Mahone Bay"
(Nova Scotia)

SOLD (Thank you!)

and here's a couple closeups...

And, never let it be said that Resident Chef
isn't a romantic, if his putting these
in my hand is any indication...

They're Cheerios, but it's the thought that counts!

- If you have a die cutting machine, perhaps you might like to try THIS.  I wonder if there's a go-around for the machine and maybe if the same process might work using a rolling pin and lots of pressure.  

- There's an interesting article HERE about ice dyeing yarn.

- Have a peek through the gallery of THIS incredible artist (and take note of some of the raw materials she uses)

- And look at the amazing creations of THIS artist too!

Today's quote..."What money can buy:  A bed but not sleep; a clock but not time.  A book but not knowledge.  A position but not respect.  Medicine but not health.  Amusements but not happiness.  Acquaintance but not friendship.  Obedience but not faithfulness. A house but not a home"

Monday, July 17, 2023

Nearly done, but not quite

 The landscape is nearly complete but not quite, so I'm going to make you wait to see it so you can get the full effect all at once. 'up' on my dance card, is to make something out of these fabrics....

- THIS might intrigue some of you.  I'm thinking in terms of trying it in ATC size.

- There's a fun Christmas in July Mystery quiltalong starting HERE.  And, if you like mysteries, perhaps THIS one might intrigue you as well.

- THESE just made me smile! Be sure to scroll down.

- Have a peek through the gallery of THIS artist!

Today's quote..."Easy to spot a yellow car when you are always thinking of a yellow car.  Easy to spot opportunity when you are always thinking of opportunities.  Easy to spot reasons to be mad when you are always thinking of being mad.  You become what you constantly think about.  Watch yourself"

Friday, July 14, 2023

Just a whippin' along

 Another hmmmm - I received a rather 'different' comment on my last post and I published it, but I'm afraid I'm rather suspicious that it might have been generated by Artificial Intelligence.  It might be legit but I have my doubts.  Whoever it was repeated my words pretty much verbatim and it raised some red flags.  Maybe I'm just overly suspicious?  (if you're interested in reading it, scroll down to read the comments left on my last post).  

I've been going slightly cross-eyed attempting to whip all those stitching lines into shape in the water area of this landscape.  I'm nearly done so there no doubt will be a small celebration.  There's still some 'bumps' but I have an idea of how to camoflauge that.  I hope.

I know it's hard to see in the photo, but I have been doing 'something' with the water.  Still have the trees and the sky to quilt so you can likely still see the basting threads in those areas.

- THIS intrigues me - fun use for scraps!

- And you might want to explore that site a bit further by going HERE  There's lots to see!

- There are some fun ideas HERE for using vintage books.

- If you happen to like the idea of a poncho and would like one in a classy design, how about THIS one.

Today the quote is from Barack Obama..."The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something.  Don't wait for good things to happen to you.  If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope"

Wednesday, July 12, 2023


 Do you ever find yourself wondering why something that starts out perfectly flat ends up not so much?  I quilted water 'lines' into the water area of the latest landscape and for no known reason it didn't end up flat at the end.  Hmmm.  Bother (to quote a certain well-known bear).  So, now I'm attempting to whip the lines into shape (literally).  We'll see if that helps.  Either way, the stitching needs more 'presence' to be noticeable so whipping it is.  Yawn.
Illustration from Piecework Magazine

- THIS looks really pretty, although I could be entirely swayed by the colour!

- There's an interesting article HERE re yarn substitution/weights.

- THIS looks like a fun way to use yarn stash AND would make fun gifts too.

- And, just for fun, maybe you'd like to play around with THESE!

Today's quote..."Negativity is contagious.  Unhappiness is contagious.  Fear is contagious.  But so is happiness.  So is optimism.  So is love.  Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you and strive to be a reflection of what you want to receive"

Monday, July 10, 2023

Another update

 What Goes Around Comes Around - OR - How Things Can Sometimes Bite You in the Arse - - 

Well, did you wonder if I was getting a little ahead of myself when I hit 'publish' on what should have been my Friday post and had it go live on Thursday instead?  I used to laugh at my elderly dad when he would say that he had to look at the daily newspaper to know what day it was.  And now, much to my chagrin, I find myself often in the same quandry.  Oh well, better early than not at all, right?

OK - back to the regularly scheduled programming and here is the latest on the landscape...

And - for those of you who haven't asked Mr. Google about the Three Churches of Mahone Bay, check  THESE

- Here's a tip that we just tried and find it works - if you have strawberries (should work for raspberries and blueberries too) that tend to go bad quickly, put them (unwashed) in a sealed jar in your fridge.  They keep for a long time without moulding...bonus!!

- HERE's a fun project you might like to try (thinking of you Liz!!)

- And THIS looks intriguing!  No real how-to there, but I'm sure Mr. Google would be happy to help.

- THESE are really pretty!

Here's your quote..."Don't ever save anything for a special occasion.  Being alive is the special occasion"

Thursday, July 06, 2023


 I'm sorry that I totally forgot to take a picture of the offending building that I ended up tearing out and re-doing.  Some would say that was just as well. is the current state of affairs...

- AND - just to send you right 'round the bend (I'm happy there) about checking THESE out?

- And if the above link didn't send you into orbit, how about checking some of the links found HERE?

- Oh, and then scroll down through  THESE  

(are you sensing a theme here?)

- And how about spending some time watching THIS?

- And HERE is another crazy-making thing (or then again, maybe not?!).

And, instead of a quote...

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

I hates-zzzzzz it

 Yes, I am not a happy camper with the current landscape.  For some reason the yellow church is giving me fits and not being in the least bit cooperative.  All buildings need a fresh paint job now and then and this one is getting it, like it or not.  

In the meantime, on another front, some of those blocks I showed you earlier are being put together...

- if you happen to have any old windows kicking around, perhaps one of THESE ideas would help 

- HERE is another fun project you might want to try over the summer

- And how about trying THIS technique?

- Or THIS one?

Here is your quote for today..."Everyone has two eyes, but no one has the same view"

Monday, July 03, 2023

And....another beginning....

  Remember last time I sent you to Mr. Google on a quest to find out more about the 'Three Churches of Mahone Bay' ?  Well, a new landscape has begun and I must say, as I always do, it's now at the stage where it looks like something the cat dragged in.  I have faith (misguided as it might yet prove to be) that it will get better.  There's been quite a lot of fussy cutting to add the trees and the rocks.  Now it's on to trying to create the churches themselves.

THIS looks like something that would be fun to try.

- THIS is a pretty wrap/shawl/scarf design.

- THESE are intriguing!

- If you enjoy iced tea, perhaps some of the variations found HERE might be of interest.

Today's quote is from Morgan Freeman.."Some of the best advice I've been given:  don't take criticism from people you would never go to for advice"

Saturday, July 01, 2023