Yep, that's me I'm talkin' about. Sometimes my stupidity even exceeds my lowly expectations of myself and this one has to be the dumbest stunt I've pulled in a long time.
I was so excited about getting a copy of the 'Embroidered Flora and Fauna' book by Lesley Turpin-Delport. It's a beautiful book. I love it. I had requested it through inter-library loan and, before it came in, decided that I needed to get my own copy from Amazon.
the library came through first. I drooled through the book quickly, knowing that my very own was coming in a couple of days. Returned borrowed book to library.
OK, so far?
Well, my own copy came. Read a couple of pages and put it on my dresser to read later.
Still following me??
Well, being the unbright pickle I am, I put the book in the area where I always put the library books.
You guessed it....I 'returned' the book to the library. That, in itself, isn't necessarily a BAD thing...however I do donate quite a few books to the library for other people to enjoy, so they can't be blamed for assuming that was my intention, can they? There's no turning back now.
Darn it, I WANTED that book!!!!!!!!!!!!!