First, I must say thank you for all the great suggestions about what I might be able to do with the quilts. Tomorrow I will haul them all out and try to make some executive decisions about their possible re-use.
Here are a couple more things
I've kept and really can't
justify trying to take
into an apartment...
First, some of my baby clothes...
My mother was a packrat and kept a LOT of stuff and my baby clothes are part of the legacy. Pale pink dresses, little white slips, and a pair of rubber (plastic?) lined ruffled panties. I've dutifully kept them all these years and the time has come to dispense with them. I will keep some 'bits' for crazy quilt fodder but the rest are on their way out.
Having said that my mother was a packrat, I guess I can't complain, because look at what I kept.....
Now isn't this a sorry sight?
This poor old Lassie dog was a pajama bag and my most favouritist of playmates. The poor thing is missing most of his fur, his nose has been chewed, and most of his stuffing fell out over the years. My mother attempted to restuff him with old nylons. I remember my aunt, feeling badly about his sorry state, getting me a 'new' stuffed dog, but he wasn't Lassie and I had nothing but contempt for it.
Why on earth would I have kept this??