Thought I'd pop in for a minute to let you know that my eyes are healing well but I still can't see anything close up and mid-distance is a strain so my computer time is still limited. I've been trying to skim through your blogs so I don't miss anything important but I haven't been making comments. Gosh, I miss you guys! I see my optometrist April 19th so hopefully I'll have my new glasses shortly after that. Can't happen soon enough.
In the interim we've been working hard cleaning out a condo belonging to our friend who is heading for a nursing home. A lot of work but a good distraction for me right now.
Keep talking amongst yourselves and I leave you with a couple of fun links (just so you don't miss me TOO much!!!)
- There's an excellent article HERE about cleaning and oiling your sewing machine.
- Have a look at THIS! I've always been fascinated by miniatures and this certainly caught my eye.