A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Yep...sore fingers notwithstanding...

First of all, thank you to all those who checked out my landscape half-price sale, those who enquired, and those who purchased.  Your interest is much appreciated!

The unpicking is over (and my fingers are most grateful for that!).  This is the end result for the sky area of the landscape...

If you click on the photo, you should be able to embiggen it to see the stitching more clearly.

Next up for my evening project is to make THIS.  I'm using yarn I have in my stash so it will be black which isn't the easiest to crochet with but I will persevere.  It's not a thing of beauty but it's going to keep my arthritic shoulder warm I think.

- HERE is a handy bag that you might find yourself needing to make.

- THIS is a great use for yarn 'bits' you might have.  I think it would be a good way to keep using up the bits as you create them so that you end up with a blanket without having to spend hours making it.  The time would be the same but spread out would make it feel like less!

- I thought THIS post was a worth-while read and certainly something to keep in mind during these uncertain times.  I think there's more on her blog that is worth investigating too.

Friday, February 07, 2025

pick, pick, pick.....

 Yes, I'm doing a lot of picking (or unpicking, however you want to look at it) as I try to remove the waste canvas I used to stitch the sky on the landscape.  I wanted to do a sashiko technique so the canvas was necessary to get the stitches even.  I think I regret that particular decision, but too late now!

Sorry about the terrible picture.  It's snowing here - again - and the light is awful.

- THIS is a really amazing quilted heart design - perhaps a little late for this Valentine's Day, but something to keep in mind.

- I thought THIS was interesting (you'll have to scroll down to read the entire article).

- THIS is beautiful!  I don't have a mantel but there are lots of other uses for it.

- I like THIS too - another great gift idea perhaps.


             Don't forget the half-price sale on landscapes is ending today!

If you're interested in getting a good deal on one of my pieces of art, please have a peek at what I currently have available HERE.  If you're interested, drop me a note (with 'Landscape' in the subject line) to marmic1954 AT hotmail DOT com.  Prices will be in Canadian dollars and must include shipping. Payment will be through PayPal.


Today's quote..."Save your explanations for those that are determined to understand you.  Give your silence to those that are determined to misunderstand you"

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Lots of hand stitching but nothing to show for it

Just so I have something to show you today, how about a close-up of the snow area on the current landscape?  Currently I'm working on the sky and it's entirely done by hand using waste canvas.  There will be lots of unpicking of canvas threads coming up!  It's not fit to show you yet though. 

            Just a reminder of the 'Starving Artist  half-price sale'
            on landscapes that's happening until Feb. 7th.
            Go HERE to see what's available!

- Those of you who are knitters might appreciate having a copy of THIS handy.

- Perhaps you might like to make THIS?

- You know those silicone 'pads' you can get to set your hot iron on?  Try using one under your sewing machine food pedal so it doesn't keep walking away.  I can attest that it works!

- HERE is another nifty little thing that will be helpful around your sewing machine.

Today's quote is from Helen Keller..."Your success and happiness lies in you.  Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties"

Monday, February 03, 2025

Dare I say it?

 This set is destined for the 2025 Christmas box (should I duck and run after saying that??)...

The hat pattern is THIS one (I purchased the one that has multiple sizes - 0-3 months up to Adult Large) and the mitten pattern is in the Paton's booklet "Next Steps Seven".  Yarn is Vanna's Choice.


Just a reminder of the 'Starving Artist  half-price sale'
on landscapes that's happening until Feb. 7th.
Go HERE to see what's available!


- I need to be reminded of how to do THIS so thought perhaps some of you might as well.

- THIS looks like a nice bag tutorial.

- There's a really good article HERE for making a jacket out of a recycled quilt.

- Julierose posted a brilliant idea for using papers (phone book pages, actually!) in her piecing.  Maybe it's common knowledge but it's the first time I've heard of it!  Read her post HERE.

Today's quote..."My desire to be well informed is currently at odds with my desire to remain sane"

A note regarding the political situation happening south of us and spilling over into the rest of the world....I intend to keep this blog as free from politics and the general fear that's going on right now as I can.  I feel that it's important that there are places we can go that are safe from the strife and, although I feel strongly about what's going on, I will try to stay away from dwelling on it here.  Suffice to say, RC and I will be buying Canadian as much as possible from now on, maybe not a huge help but something we, as individuals, can do.  I will be changing my 'sign off' graphics to not only reflect my support for the Ukraine but also a Canadian Flag in support of my own country.  

Friday, January 31, 2025

New beginnings

 I mentioned that my muse has returned and here is the beginning of another landscape as proof....

Sorry it looks lumpy - forgot to take a 
picture before I put the basting threads in

The working title on this one is 'Inside, Looking Out'.


Just a reminder of the 'Starving Artist  half-price sale'
on landscapes that's happening until Feb. 7th.
Go HERE to see what's available!


- I know it's early for THIS in this part of the world but thinking ahead is always fun.

- Do you remember THESE?  Fun to make for a new generation.

- Some great ideas HERE for upcycling things you might have.

Today's quote is from David Bowie..."Aging is an extraordinary process whereby you become the person you always should have been"

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Starving Artist Sale!!


I'm not starving but thought it would be a 
good headline anyway.

I'm running a half-price sale on my landscapes January 29th through February 7th!  

If you're interested in getting a good deal on one of my pieces of art, please have a peek at what I currently have available HERE.  If you're interested, drop me a note (with 'Landscape' in the subject line) to marmic1954 AT hotmail DOT com.  Prices will be in Canadian dollars and must include shipping. Payment will be through PayPal.


- There's a really pretty new stitch-a-long starting HERE.  

- THIS is a really pretty project that would make a nice table-topper.

- I don't wear makeup so THIS wouldn't work for me for that purpose but I can see all sorts of other uses for it.

- THIS is a pretty block suitable for Valentine's Day.

Today's quote..."Common sense is a flower that does not grow in everyone's garden"

Monday, January 27, 2025

The Return of the Muse

 I knew it was only a matter of time until my muse decided to put in an appearance and she has.  I'm rather excited about what I have in mind but will have to wait and see if this pile of fabrics translates into what I'm hoping for. 



And....stay tuned for my upcoming half-price sale on landscapes which will be happening soon.  I think I have the PayPal issues ironed out (fingers crossed!) and all will be a 'go' in a few days.  In the meantime, if you want a sneak preview of what's available, go HERE.  


- There's a good listing HERE of bag patterns.  THIS one caught my eye and I thought it would be fun to use denim.

- THIS is a pretty quilt project.  I know it's too late to make it for Valentine's Day but I think it would be a nice quilt if it were done in different colours for any time of the year.

- Those of you who cross stitch might find THIS of interest.  If you're interested in purchasing any be sure to check all the links in this post because not all of them are still 'live'

- If you have fabric scraps perhaps making one (or more) of THESE for donation would be a good use for them.

- THESE made me smile.

Today's quote..."A secret to happiness is letting every situation be what it is, instead of what you think it should be"

Friday, January 24, 2025

I'm remiss

 I suddenly realized that I neglected to share a picture of the latest completed landscape with you.  So, without further adieu, here it is...


This one measures 25x26"

This one gave me fits when it came to the finishing.  I re-did the border twice before finally giving up on my original idea, tearing it off and going with a simple bias tape treatment.  

- There's a really good tutorial HERE for adding borders to your quilts.

- When I came across THIS I thought the centre section would make a pretty table topper.

- THIS guy made me laugh.

- I'd like THIS to make me think of summer!

- THIS might be a fun bit of escapism.

Today's quote..."Never judge a book by its movie"

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Wrestling more and enjoying it less

 Well, there went three hours of my life that I won't be getting back.  I undertook to set my (keyword - MY) bank account up for online banking so I can accept e-transfers (send them too, for that matter) as well as re-register for a PayPal account.  First moment of angst was when I discovered that, setting up MY account wasn't doable - UNLESS - I set up OUR account as well.  RC is going to have a fit over that one because he's dead set against online banking.  I plan to discuss how/if I can remove OUR account information the next time I'm in the brick and mortar bank...if they even know.

Then I switched my attention to setting up PayPal.  After several fits and starts (and needing to give them my cell phone number which I don't give out to anybody!)...why oh why can't they accept an old-fashioned house phone number is  beyond comprehension....I got to the point where they said they needed to deposit "an amount under 50 cents and then withdraw it again' to my bank account, which, when it arrived in my bank account, I was to then verify the amount with PayPal.  Well, nearly two hours went past and no money showed up in my bank account.  And guess what?  PayPal timed out and I'm back to square one.  

Oh, and did I mention that for some reason known only to the computer gods, my computer shut itself off in the middle of it all?

Today I am off to teach another workshop involving windmills and denim fabrics.  Although I hate public speaking, right now it looks pretty good in comparison with dealing with banks.  

- My grandies would love THIS!

- If you're wanting to organize your sewing room perhaps some tips in THIS article might be useful.  There are more ideas HERE.

Sorry I've fallen down on links for you this time...will try to do better for Friday.

Today the quote is from Gandalf, the Hobbit...."I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay...small acts of kindness and love"

Monday, January 20, 2025


 Over the weekend I mucked about with the shaving cream technique and thought I'd take a few in-process pictures to share (for further information be sure to see THIS post)...

This shows the shaving cream spread out on plastic (don't forget that step!!!!)

You can (hopefully) see the paint spread over the cream....

Here, it's been scraped using a plastic 12" ruler, removing the shaving cream/paint goop as much as possible.  Be sure there's a garbage bag and a spare pair of hands nearby!  This piece was done using wet fabric and the colours are quite muted (at least when still wet).  

Below you can see (click to embiggen) the end results.  The piece of fabric on the top was done using dry fabric and the one below was with the fabric moist.  I would recommend using dampened fabric though because when it's dry it 'gobbles' up the shaving cream and it's harder to remove. The colours are more saturated using dry fabric.  Sorry about the wrinkles but it still needs to be washed again before I press it really well.  For now this is pressed to set the colour.

- THIS is a fun idea for a quilt (scroll down to see the full version)

- You might want to check THIS out because she's starting a year that sounds like great fun for us all.  

- THIS looks like something that would be very useful to many of us.

- I looked at THESE and had a moment where I thought how much fun it would be to do one.  And then I remembered I have noplace to put it and that moment left in a hurry.  I would love to make a sewing/knitting shop with living quarters above.  And if our granddaughter lived closer (or shipping costs weren't out of this world), think of the fun I could have.

Today's quote..."Never be afraid to try something new.  Remember amateurs built the Ark...professionals built the Titanic"

UPDATED TO ADD ANOTHER QUOTE OF THE DAY.... "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter"  - Martin Luther King Jr.

Friday, January 17, 2025

I made something!

 Wow.  I actually bestirred myself and made something!  Remember me sending you to THIS in my last post?  Well, I made one and here it is, holding sock yarn that is earmarked for a special request for four pairs of socks for next Christmas....

- If you have need of a quick baby quilt, perhaps THIS design might be perfect.

- THESE would be a cute make for Valentine's Day!

- THIS made me laugh!

- You know those little silica gel packets you sometimes get?  HERE are some uses for them!

- THIS made me smile too (scroll down for some more cuties).

- THIS is really pretty.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


 Further on the higher and deeper pile of landscapes, I'm toying with having a half price sale on them to see if I can move a few out of my storage.  My issue with that, however, is how to receive payment.  Awhile ago I set myself up with a PayPal account and used it a few times.  Sadly it was always a huge fight with them to try to get my money out of their hot little hands.  I resorted to using the money I'd received as payments towards things I wanted to purchase - all through PayPal.  But....they didn't want to let me do that either.  It was a battle royal through and through.  

Has anybody had experience of setting up an online bank account and accepting payments via that avenue?  E-transfer  I think it's called?? I have NO clue how to go about such a thing and quite truthfully am leery about online banking in any form (to say nothing about the fact that the RC would be chirping about how unsafe it is and is dead set against me doing such a thing).  

What say you?

- I found THIS interesting, but that could be because I've always been fascinated with miniatures.  Have you seen the book nook designs out there?  I might just succumb to one, but which one is the question.

- For some reason THESE caught my eye.

- If you'd like to make a quick project for Valentine's Day, perhaps one of THESE might be what you're searching for.

- I think I might make myself one of THESE.  And I like THIS by the same creator.

- Those of you who might be interested in paper piecing might find THESE designs interesting - and a big challenge.

- I was mesmerized watching THIS artist at work.  How simple and yet how incredibly beautiful.

Today's quote..."You have a choice each and every single day.  Choose to feel blessed.  Choose to feel grateful.  Choose to be excited.  Choose to be thankful.  Choose to be happy."

Monday, January 13, 2025


 Here at Chez Magpie life goes on with nary a blip in the creative radar.  I'm boring myself.  I love making landscapes but I'm in a rut and fear that I'm backing myself into a creative corner with much of what I'm doing being the same ol' thing.  I've always tried to challenge myself with a new technique somewhere on each landscape but they still come out looking much the same as the others.  Yawn-worthy to the extreme.

The pile grows ever higher and, after over two years of not a single sale, makes me truly wonder if what I'm doing is worthwhile.  Over the past year I've done a number of trunk shows and some teaching gigs and there IS money to be had there...but....the necessary travel to get to the various locations is not something I'm able to do at this stage in my life.  And...before you say, teaching online is NOT something I'm even remotely willing to consider.  

Bottom line is - if I don't do landscapes, what should I do instead.  Quilts are not something I have the space to either do...or store.  Wallhangings, although doable size-wise, are just going to pile up on top of the landscapes.  I'm not a painter so that's not on my radar either.  I don't have room to add more stash so can't consider getting into something like rug hooking or anything done with wool.  Perhaps I need to consider making smaller landscapes.

Yep, Magpie is in a funk.  

The Resident Chef, however, is having fun
playing with jigsaw puzzles.  Our oldest 'grandie'
gave him this one for Christmas...

- Some of you might find THIS block-of-the-month to be a fun project to undertake for 2025.  

- HERE is something that looks like it would be fun to make.

- Have a peek at the incredible work of THIS artist!

- I'm sorry I can't find the origin of THIS but I think it's a great use for old books.

Today's quote..."There is not enough room in your mind for both worry and faith.  You must decide which one gets to live there"

Friday, January 10, 2025

A goopy mess?!

 In case you're curious about how I do my shaving cream fabric dyeing, here's a wee tutorial on the process I use...

- you need some white fabric - some would say it should be the 'Prepared for Dyeing' stuff, but I don't bother.  I just use white fabric.
- shaving cream - the cheap foaming kind from the dollar store
- paint - I use cheap acrylic folk art paint from the dollar store - several colours that are indicative of a moody fall sky (maybe 3 different ones)
- plastic to cover two different tables
- a large paint brush
- a straight edge, preferably plastic (I use a 12" ruler)
- paper towels and a large garbage bag

Cover both your table surfaces with plastic...I like to tape down the edges here and there with some masking tape to keep it from moving too much.  Make sure your fabric is  damp (not sopping wet but really damp...OR if you want more intensity of colour use the fabric dry...UPDATED TO ADD:  Using dry fabric means that it grabs onto more of the shaving cream and it's more difficult to remove.  I would recommend damp over dry).  Cover one plastic surface with shaving cream and spread it around.  You want it to be between 1/4 and 1/2" thick.  Squirt paint here and there, varying the colours you use.  Then, very scientifically, use the large paint brush to move it around so that it looks like it might look like sky.  Don't worry about leaving a few white areas. (see, told you it was a scientific process!!).  Carefully lay your damp fabric on top and press lightly with your hands to make sure it has connected with the paint.  Pick it up by one long edge and move to your other plastic-covered table (be careful here because walking too fast means the fabric will plaster itself to your clothes...and don't drop it either!).  Here's where a second person might be handy to help you lay it flat onto your table.  Use the straight edge to scrape the surface to remove as much of the shaving cream/paint as possible.  Use a paper towel to clean the straight edge into the garbage bag.  Allow the entire thing to dry.  Rinse carefully and allow to dry.  Press with a hot iron to set the paint.  That's all there is to it!  Sometimes I will rinse it once again, dry and press.  When I get time to muck about, I'll share pictures.  
UPDATED TO ADD:  See also THIS post for further information!

- I thought THIS was rather pretty.

- If you have a bunch of leftover yarns, perhaps THIS design might be a great use for them.

- THIS might be a fun project too.

- THIS is wonderful tuturial for a beautiful project for yourself or for use as a gift throughout the year.

Today's quote..."Sometimes the best thing that you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe and have faith that everything will work out for the best"

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Just a stitchin' away

 I have unpicked all the embroidery on the border of the landscape and am in the process of re-stitching it.  Rather yawn-worthy to show you another picture of basically the same thing  you saw in my previous post.  Even my evening knitting is boring because I'm working on another pair of socks.  More of the same.  

My fabric order arrived and there's now some white that I can hopefully turn into 'winter sky' for landscapes.  I anticipate a day of pretty big m-e-s-s as I squirt shaving cream and paint all over the table and then slop it onto fabric.  Very scientific process overall.  Good thing I don't have to do it very often!

- If you're interested in seeing a big list of possible quilt challenges for 2025, have a peek HERE.

- Sharon Boggon is once again running her free TAST (Take A Stitch Tuesdays) and if you're wanting to either learn some new embroidery stitches or brush up on ones you don't use often, perhaps you might like to join in.  Go HERE for further info.

- Those of you who are drowning in UFO piles, perhaps reading THIS article will spark an idea (scroll down to get it all).  The adoption plan sounds promising!  And while you're at it, perhaps there might be some tips HERE that would be useful.

- THIS might be a fun design to think about for Valentine's Day.

Today's quote..."We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won't be offended"

Monday, January 06, 2025

Sometimes even I am aghast at how anal I can be

 Remember the landscape I was working on waaaaay back in October?  Well, I've picked it up again and am currently working on embroider/quilting the border.  For some reason I had a wild hare that it would be a smart idea to hand stitch an embroidery design using waste canvas.  The embroidery part isn't so I have to remove all that canvas, thread by thread.  Just to refresh your memory, here's how it looked back in October....

Since then it's been quilted and I've added embroidered grasses around the tractor and the trunk of the tree.  Also spent far too many hours painting and fussy cutting maple leaves which have been added.  

Terrible picture!  You can just see
the waste canvas along the edges 
and perhaps can see some of the stitching

And.....just to prove how anal I can be....and after hand stitching 2 1/2 sides of the border, I'm thinking about tearing it out and starting over.  I'm not happy with how I centered the design.  Will I...or won't I....or will I figure a go-round.  Only time will tell! (UPDATED:  I thought about it and ended up tearing it out and will begin again).

- I need to make one of THESE!!  Our door has a gap at the bottom that lets in the cold.

- THIS is an awwwww -worthy thing!

- I've seen THESE made of paper but not fabric...interesting.

- There are some fun ideas HERE for using paper bags (some Christmas-y but most are not).

Today's quote is a Turkish proverb..."When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king.  The palace becomes a circus"

('nuff said)

Friday, January 03, 2025

The Grande Hat Caper of 2024

 I am pleased to announce that my stash of bulky yarn is practically nil and the end result is these hats destined for donation (two are made using worsted weight)...

I refuse to admit that the space that once was taken by bulky yarn has been replaced with loopy yarn that will ultimately be turned into kitchen scrubbies.  No, I won't admit to anything of the kind.  

- Many of us undertake to downsize our 'stuff' after Christmas and I must admit I have read more than my fair share of organization how-to books, none of which have really proven to be overly useful.  However, I have discovered one approach that really does work (I've read her books as well) and thought I'd point you to THIS blog post from her that I find to be exactly what I need to hear.

- Although Christmas is over there are lots of gift ideas HERE that would be useful any time of the year.

- There's tons of amazing eye candy if you go HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.

- THIS is something you might like to take part in over the next few months.

- If you're contemplating doing a 'temperature' project over the next year, perhaps one of the designs found HERE would be what you need.

Today your quote is from Albert Einstein..."Everything that exists in your life does so because of two things:  something you did or something you didn't do"