I was doing a bit of surfing last night and I stumbled across this idea and thought it might be fun to try. Here are the 'rules':
1. Pick up the book nearest to you
2. To to page 123
3. Go to the third sentence
4. Write it in your blog
Sounds pretty simple! So...."I was, at nine years old, developing a sense of fashion." Taken from the book that was sitting on my desk waiting to be put away. 'Knitting Rules' by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. Try it and see what interesting things you come up with!
The picture for today is the beginning of a series I'm going to show you. Hopefully you won't get TOO bored! I have a number of crazy quilt blocks which are sitting here unfinished and one of my projects is to finish them all and get them into a quilt so I can display them. SharonB's 100 DETAILS FOR 100 DAYS is going to be my inspiration. I think I've mentioned this before - Sharon is posting 100 differant CQ treatments over a period of 100 days. I had great intentions when I first discovered this that I would keep up with her. Well. The best laid plans of mice and men are bound to run amuck. She's up to day 15 and I have yet to start my stitching (is anyone surprised?). However, I have been downloading them all and will work my way through them at some point. (her blog is at www.inaminuteago.com, along with a whole lot of other eye candy and information).
tried your suggestion - opened book to page 123, 3rd sentence as follows
ReplyDelete"In contrast, the eye is drawn to the riot of color formed by the flowers in the foreground of Fluers a Vetheuil." from Essential Monet by Vanessa Potts.
Interesting concept which made me really look at that particular page and read the words rather than simply looking at the picture.