A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, July 31, 2023

More additions!

 Over the weekend I spent some time adding the ground area to the sky and Resident Chef seems to be starting to see my 'vision'.  Still don't think he's totally on board with it but I'm carrying on anyway.

- I don't know if you've heard about the Loose Ends initiative, but if you haven't, perhaps you'd like to read more about it HERE.

- Have a peek through the designs of THIS artist.  While you're there, have a look at her blog too because there are lots of technique how to's there.

- THIS made me laugh.

- THIS is a fun idea for a collaborative art project.

Today's quote..."It's okay to say - no, if you don't want to do it;  no, if you're already scheduled; no, if you don't have the time; no, if you feel forced to say yes; no, if it doesn't make you happy; no, if you'd rather relax.  It's okay to say no"


  1. The ground area is looking really good--love the shadowy portion on the right...hugs, Julierose

    1. I hadn't thought of that area being shadowy, but you're right! I was thinking in terms of that being a little darker and would help 'balance' what's going on the left as I continue on.

  2. Your piece is certainly have an artist's eye! Oh my checked out that tea bag art and am blown away by that too. What talent!

    1. The tea bag art is wonderful, I agree. And thank you!

  3. This latest piece is coming along fine. And when you don't want to accept an invitation, or command, "no" is a complete sentence. No need to explain, elaborate, make nice, nope.

    1. It took me years to learn that 'no' is a complete sentence. Now I think people wish I hadn't figured that one out!

  4. The donkey face is hilarious. There's an Emu on the Internet that makes me laugh.

    1. I agree - that fellow made me laugh out loud (and I think I've seen the emu you're referring to...might even be from the same artist).

  5. Very, very nice. I think the sky looks almost like an Impressionist painting.

    God bless.

    1. Yes!! Thank you for saying that because that's more or less the effect I was hoping for.

  6. I'm totally impressed by all those hexies making up the background. An impressionist painting! Yes!

    1. Thank you! Getting nice comments like this makes me think that maybe I'm on the right track (Resident Chef's opinion notwithstanding).

  7. i really, REALLY like the sky!!!

  8. Love the progress you are making on this latest project Mary Anne and those Tea Bag Art pieces are fabulous.... I have not looked at the blog in an attempt NOT to be sucked down another rabbit hole!!! Hugs Christine xx

    1. Rabbit holes? Well, at least I'd be in good company.

  9. Interesting art project links. The puzzle piece reminds me of a Friendship Quilt. The same idea of each doing their own. The quilt gets as big as people involved.

    1. Friendship quilts were all the rage a number of years ago but you don't hear so much about them now. Or maybe I'm just out of touch?


Thank you so much for leaving comments! I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy life to talk to me. It's wonderful to know that someone is actually reading my mumblings and even more fun if I can connect with you and visit your blog.