A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Sky, postponed, in favour of this....

 Never let it be said that I lack determination!  I purchased that bee-themed fabric you saw in my previous post with the idea of making a little dress for our wee grandie.  Then I got to wondering...would there happen to be enough to maybe, just maybe, make her a matching diaper cover too.  And then the wondering took another turn, and perhaps there MIGHT be just enough to make a little hat to match.  After much twisting and turning and sqeeeeeeezing the fabric, I got enough...phew.  

Dress is McCall's 6944, reversible hat is from HERE, and the diaper cover pattern came from HERE 

And....Resident Chef appeared in my sewing room doorway with a bouquet he'd picked from his balcony chopped up and in the freezer for winter-time use.

- Take a stroll (scroll) through THESE.  

- THESE are fun to see.  

- I'm going to give THIS a try because I have some tarnished necklaces that I haven't been able to wear. 

-There's an excellent article HERE about slow stitching.

- You know I love denim, so of course THIS artist caught my eye.

Today's quote..."Books, minds and umbrellas only work if they're open"


  1. What an adorable little set you made!! That herbal bouquet looks so pretty!! Yummy dishes coming? I'll bet they are...
    Hugs, Julierose

    1. Oh yes, all those herbs will be making an appearance in soups and stews over the winter. So much tastier than the jarred versions from the grocery store.

  2. That's a lovely set for the granddaughter! I hope they send you pictures of her modeling it.

    1. I'm always hopeful for pictures and they usually oblige. It turned out rather cute so I'm happy with it. Only barely had enough fabric left to make sure I keep a 6" square for making her a quilt one day using all the fabrics from things I've made her.

  3. What a beautiful little dress and accessories you have created for your little darling. Your work reminds me a lot of my mother's. I always told her that her best creations came from leftover scraps.

    1. Sorry to have to admit that this was made using new fabric. Sadly my stash doesn't lend itself to making much for little girls without having to buy new. She's worth it!!

  4. The outfit you made is positively adorable, it is so sweet you has enough fabric to do all three items. Thank-you for the interesting links.


    1. I hope it's going to fit her - that's always an interesting test. Measurements are good, so as long as she doesn't grow a whole lot over the next month it should be okay!

  5. Pretty outfit! You are so talented.
    Nice links! The Shuplyak paintings are surreal!

    1. Talented? Nah - just mule-headed! Won't mention how often the 'reverse-stitcher' was put into play.
      Glad you enjoyed the links.

  6. What a cute little outfit!

  7. Such a sweet set. I am glad you managed to squeeze them out of your fabric.

    Lovely bouquet. A very nice addition to the freezer.

    God bless

    1. I'm glad too. I knew I had enough to make the dress but the hat and diaper cover were iffy. Didn't have much fabric leftover by the time I was done.

  8. This little set is just beautiful Mary Anne. Your little granddaughter is going to look beautiful in it. Those herbs look marvellous too! Hugs Christine xx

    1. Thanks Christine! I think she'll look pretty cute. As for the herbs - the smell was heavenly!

  9. I'm caught up on all your posts now. My goodness, Three Churches turned out so beautifully! You must have been so pleased with it. Such talent you have, Mary Anne. Also shown in this gorgeous set you sewed for a wee granddaughter. Thanks as always too for the fun and interesting links.

    1. I was happy with the Three Churches, but more importantly, so were the buyers. And hopefully the outfit will fit our wee one!

  10. What a sweet outfit for your granddaughter. And what a great bouquet from the balcony garden! I'm impressed.

    1. I was impressed with that bouquet too - certainly an impressive amount from his little balcony garden. The outfit is on the way to our grandie as we speak and I just hope it fits!

  11. OMGoodness, that outfit is so adorable! I'm sure she'll look adorable in it.
    You're going to be enjoying your winter meals with that bunch!

    1. I'm hopeful of getting some pictures of her wearing it at some point.
      That bunch of herbs is only one of several he's harvested already.

  12. Such a cute outfit! And isn't is satisfying when you manage to use every bit of something to create something else?

    1. Cute outfit, but it turned out too large for her. Hopefully she'll still be able to wear it next summer. I had just enough fabric left to put away a 6" square for the quilt I'm planning for her sometime down the road (it will have a piece of everything I make for her).

  13. Some very intriguing websites.
    Sweet of the Mister to bring you a bouquet of "flowers."

    1. The bouquet shortly landed in the freezer - all chopped up waiting for winter

  14. You are so lucky to have a little girl to dress up so adorably!

    1. Yes, she's the first girl in our family for a very long time so she just might get a wee bit spoiled. Unfortunately the dress ended up being too big for her but hopefully it will still fit next summer.


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