A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Nearly done, but not quite

 The landscape is nearly complete but not quite, so I'm going to make you wait to see it so you can get the full effect all at once. 'up' on my dance card, is to make something out of these fabrics....

- THIS might intrigue some of you.  I'm thinking in terms of trying it in ATC size.

- There's a fun Christmas in July Mystery quiltalong starting HERE.  And, if you like mysteries, perhaps THIS one might intrigue you as well.

- THESE just made me smile! Be sure to scroll down.

- Have a peek through the gallery of THIS artist!

Today's quote..."Easy to spot a yellow car when you are always thinking of a yellow car.  Easy to spot opportunity when you are always thinking of opportunities.  Easy to spot reasons to be mad when you are always thinking of being mad.  You become what you constantly think about.  Watch yourself"


  1. That's an interesting aspect of "chance favors the prepared mind". And of confirmation bias. Cool.

    1. I thought it was an interesting concept too. Guess we need to 'set our minds' to favour the things we want to see happen.

  2. Wow, this dog embroideries are fabulous, so spot on. Today's quote has some merit. However, I've been thinking for decades about winning the lottery, but I am not a winner. :)

    1. I'm with you on the lottery thing. Might help if we bought more tickets but we rarely bother. I agree about the dog embroideries - well done, all.

  3. Hmmm, those fabrics are very intriguing.

    God bless.

    1. Some fun things for the grandies out of these fabrics.

  4. Your fabric collection pictured reminds me that before my grandmother passed away I had collected seasonal and themed fabrics to make her placemats as a Christmas present. Never got to finish that.

    1. Maybe you'll have to make the placemats for yourself in memory of her.

  5. I’ve had that One Republic CD for at least 3 years, and it’s a gem. They’ve had several huge hits off it. I highly recommend it! BTW, Happy Birthday to Resident Chef!!

    1. I'd love to get the CD but no means to play it unless I go sit in the car. Used to be able to play them on the computer but when I got the new computer it refuses. Probably just a setting but I don't know where or how to deal with it. (thank you for the b'day wishes - I'll tell him!)

  6. Had to share the dog embroiders with my dog loving daughter. Cute, cute. So are you getting ready to make something for the grands?

    1. Those dog embroideries are lifelike. And yes, grandies will get these.


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