A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Another update

 What Goes Around Comes Around - OR - How Things Can Sometimes Bite You in the Arse - - 

Well, did you wonder if I was getting a little ahead of myself when I hit 'publish' on what should have been my Friday post and had it go live on Thursday instead?  I used to laugh at my elderly dad when he would say that he had to look at the daily newspaper to know what day it was.  And now, much to my chagrin, I find myself often in the same quandry.  Oh well, better early than not at all, right?

OK - back to the regularly scheduled programming and here is the latest on the landscape...

And - for those of you who haven't asked Mr. Google about the Three Churches of Mahone Bay, check  THESE

- Here's a tip that we just tried and find it works - if you have strawberries (should work for raspberries and blueberries too) that tend to go bad quickly, put them (unwashed) in a sealed jar in your fridge.  They keep for a long time without moulding...bonus!!

- HERE's a fun project you might like to try (thinking of you Liz!!)

- And THIS looks intriguing!  No real how-to there, but I'm sure Mr. Google would be happy to help.

- THESE are really pretty!

Here's your quote..."Don't ever save anything for a special occasion.  Being alive is the special occasion"


  1. Love the quote!
    The damp weather so far this summer feels like a rainy funeral with summer in the casket.

    1. So far the humidity level here hasn't been too bad (at least by my radar anyway). We're supposed to get rain on and off for the next week so that might change things.

  2. Those rocks are lovely, a series of artworks. I think kids might like trying a simpler version. With glittery yarn, maybe. The peppermint idea involves vodka, not for me, sigh. Contact with any spirits crashes my mood. Some people might really enjoy trying it though.

    1. Don't know if the vodka content would be an issue if it was used in cooking...but then again, I'm no expert!

  3. Your landscape is so pretty--I love those foreground rocks--so realistic!! you are so good at these...nice work...
    Helga has to go to the repair shop this week--so I will be without a sewing machine for at least 2 excuses not to finish de-stashing and cleaning...;(((( hugs, Julierose

    1. I must admit I cheated with the rocks - they're preprinted fabric fussy cut to suit the area where I wanted it.
      So sorry Helg has to go for a spa treatment! You will miss her.

  4. Oh, the churches are wonderful. I'll go now and read about them. So many seem to be cleaning and de-stashing. Well, I am too, and have accomplished much. I use the little needle book you sent every time I sit down to sew.

    1. It's hard to believe there are three churches in such close proximity and they're each impressive in looks. It's proving to be a fun project. Glad you're enjoying the needle book!

  5. My immediate reaction to the mint thing was "I would not want to have to get all the bits of leaf out of that narrow-necked bottle!" Clearly I've been doing too much bottle-washing lately.

    1. Hah - you and me both on the fishing those bits out of the bottle! Tweezers, perhaps?

  6. The rocks are a lovely addition and the real photos in the gallery are gorgeous!
    We have plenty of mint and I have yet to have a mojito this summer.

    1. The real churches certainly caught my fancy so I couldn't resist trying to recreate them. Don't think I've ever had a mojito but I suspect I wouldnt' care for it if it has mint in it. I'm not a fan of mint.

  7. Interesting to find out about those churches and see all the photos. Love what you've done with them. And more interesting links to follow.

    1. It's interesting that the churches are all so close together. One wonders at the parking situation on Sunday mornings!

  8. Good grief, its been 2 weeks since I've been online. Took a little trip to northern Ohio for a quilt show. Drove the back roads. One little town intersection had a church on all 4 corners and 1 next door. Reminded me of your piece.

    1. Wow - that's certainly a lot of churches in a small area!


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