A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Road runner

 This has been a week where I seem to have been on the road pretty much all the time or at least the lion's share of every day has been spent outside the house.  Needless to say I haven't had much time to spend in my sewing space so I'm in mid-go with several projects.  

# 1
Of course is the landscape which hasn't had a 
stitch added to it

The beginning of a knitted scarf which is
planned to be a take-along project when
we go away next month.

The current pair of socks (I usually have
a pair on the go all the time so I have a 
quick thing to pick up when I have a little time)

shhh - don't tell Resident Chef but these
are going under the Christmas tree for him

- THIS is a really pretty fall project.

- Have a peek at the work by THIS artist!

- THIS is a cute project you might like to try.  While I was poking around on her site, I discovered THIS too.  I'm certainly nowhere near that organized!

- Have a peep through the galleries of THIS fabric artist (look along the bar at the top and click on 'Galleries' to be taken to several different ones).

Today I give you a quote from Mother Teresa...."Be happy in the moment, that's enough.  Each moment is all we need, not more"


  1. What yarn are you using? These projects look great.

    1. They're both using Paton's Kroy Sock yarn which is easy to work with and not too expensive.

  2. Great take-a-long projects on the go for you;)))
    I am still pondering how to make a cover for my "Chunky Monkey" BB which I've now called finished. I am used to sewn in
    signatures so i will most likely go that way--maybe a woolen cover would be nice??? So many possibilities...
    hugs for a great weekend Julierose

    1. I can't stand sitting and doing nothing so I had to come up with a project to take on our trip and one that, if the airport confiscates my needles, will be easy to replace when I get there.

  3. I love the color combination of that yarn. Looks like you have some good projects to keep you busy.

    1. Socks are ongoing and the scarf is planned to wear with my new least that's the plan.

  4. I love the colors in those yarns you're using. And how they are working up.

    1. They're nice colours for sure. Didn't realize they were so similar until I posted the pictures.

  5. I see I'm not the only one that's been MIA. I'll be traveling backwards in time to see all the goodies you've posted and your progress.

    1. MIA is okay - it happens to all of us.

  6. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Sherry of createology: Hello Dear. I love your aqua colors for your yarns. Talk about organized…the wool storage is gorgeous! So many amazing and talented creative links. Thank you very much. I struggle just to get through emails in a day! Blessings…


  7. great links
    The scarf yarn is a beautiful variegated color.

    1. I love working with some of the sock yarns because you never know what you'll get.

  8. The yarns are such nice colors! The landscape will benefit from some time on the back burner. You always find such interesting websites.

    1. I like those colours too but hadn't twigged to the fact that they are so much the same until I posted the pictures here.


Thank you so much for leaving comments! I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy life to talk to me. It's wonderful to know that someone is actually reading my mumblings and even more fun if I can connect with you and visit your blog.