A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 Today I am going to be missing in action but because I'm always thinking of you, here's a post anyway!  I will be spending the day teaching another landscape workshop (be still my quaking knees!).  

- Have a peek through the galleries of THIS artist!

- THIS looks like a fun technique to try.

- And wouldn't THIS be handy (would make a great gift too!)

- THIS is another thing that would make a great gift (or for yourself).

I might have given you this quote before but it bears repeating..."Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing" (Oscar Wilde)


  1. Oh how wonderful;)) I'm sure they will love your workshop;)) hugs, Julierose

    1. Thank you - they said they enjoyed themselves so hopefully they did.

  2. The workshop will be great! Again!

    1. They go home with lots of homework so hopefully they'll be able to finish on their own.

  3. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Sherry of createology: Mary Anne Dear you are quite the seasoned teacher by now. You are a wealth of knowledge and techniques so you will help everyone be successful in their landscape. I would definitely be in your classes if only I wasn’t so far away. My husband has been saying this about his BFF for longer than I know. BFF is nicknamed “Diamond Jim”!

    1. I don't think I will ever be 'seasoned' when it comes to doing anything in public but I hope the ladies had fun. And wouldn't it be great if you could come to one of my classes!!!

  4. I hope it was fun for you! I'm sure it was fun for the attendees!

    1. It's always a relief when it's over with. Hopefully they had a good time.

  5. I"m sure your class turned out great. I'd take it if I had the chance.


Thank you so much for leaving comments! I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy life to talk to me. It's wonderful to know that someone is actually reading my mumblings and even more fun if I can connect with you and visit your blog.