A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, August 30, 2024


 ummm....hmmmmm.....busily hand stitching on the landscape but nothing worth showing you yet.  Nothing else has been happening either b'cause my hands are complaining about trying to crochet too much with thick yarn and that happens to be what I'm wanting to work on. about some randomness from Chez Magpie....

- RC has been cleaning up his balcony garden because the tomatoes have all ripened at once.  The lettuce was pretty much a dud all summer long and even the herbs didn't produce like they usually do.  Right now there's only one pepper plant left and it's looking pretty sad so doubt it won't last more than another day or two.

- Got our first parking ticket.  Sitting in our own parking spot at our building.  The parking spot we've had for over 13 years.  Apparently there was a mixup with the numbers and we got dinged.  In the two weeks we've been waiting for the building management to sort it out, the ticket has gone from $65 to $100 - along with thinly veiled threats of sending same to a collection agency. Argh! 

- Finally got the car 'repairs' stemming back to the hail damage last August sorted out and have received a lovely cheque from the insurance company.  At first we had opted to have the repairs done but in the interim between the original estimate a year ago and now, the cost for said repairs has risen dramatically, and we were pretty certain that our car would be one of the many that the insurance was simply writing off (it's a 2016 RAV4) which would put us back in debt to buy another one - if we could even find one that was in good used condition.  We finally decided we'd just not bother getting it fixed (our car is now lovingly called 'Dimples') and the insurance company was happy to pay us the amount of the original estimate.  Works for us.

- Resident Chef had a very rare failure come out of his kitchen this week.  He made what we thought would be a decadant dessert that involved a graham wafer crust and chocolate/peanut butter filling. issue was that the recipe called for melted chocolate to cover the graham crust which turned out to be harder than h-e-double-hockey-sticks to cut through.  And the other issue was that it was just way over the top sweet.  There was nothing for it but to bless the garbage and cut our losses.  

- Have a look at the award winners HERE from the American Quilter's Society 2024 show.  

- If you're brave enough to steal from the squirrels perhaps you could make some of THIS.  I did a number of years ago and it was fun to do.

- I think THIS is so pretty!

- I love Lego so when I saw THIS it caught my eye.

Today's quote is from Winston Churchill..."It is better to do something than to do nothing while waiting to do everything"


  1. Oh sorry about that ticket snafu!! We are not in any position to buy a new or used car right now either--so good it worked out for you about the hail damage...hugs, Julierose

    1. We just finished paying for this car so we certainly didn't want to get into any more car payments, particularly since I'm the only driver now and we're not going too far. And yes, hopefully the ticket will get sorted out before the collection agency comes after us for something that's not our fault.

  2. Oh my, what a snafu with the ticket. I do hope they get it sorted very soon.

    God bless.

    1. I hope they do too because if in less than 3 weeks the cost has risen from $65 to $100, I hate to think what it will be next week!

  3. That sucks about the parking ticket. Probably a tech glitch. We moved from Wisconsin to NJ and several years later I got a parking ticket from a town in Wisconsin I'd never been in. I contested it successfully because it was one of the few times I knew where I was when the ticket was written. And had witnesses. I was delivering our son! They quashed the ticket and congratulated me on the new baby.

    1. Well, I would say you had the best excuse ever!

  4. Hope the parking ticket issue will get resolved soon. Good to drive Dimples as she/it is, I think. Sorry about the kitchen disaster. Is he going to try it again?

    1. I can only see the 'dimples' in certain lights so it's not a big deal as far as I'm concerned. And no, RC won't be doing that recipe again - way too sweet for our taste.

  5. It was too hot a summer here for our tomatoes, sadly. Most of them split, and those that didn't have such a thick skin. Hope you get the parking ticket straightened out soon.

    1. It didn't seem overly hot here at least not for extended periods of time but overall RC's little garden did really poorly. Even the herbs which are generally quite prolific were sadly lacking. As for the ticket, no sign of anything being done yet.

  6. When my Grandson was about 6, he was always thinking of a way to make money. He collected walnuts to sell. His mother, my daughter, washed and scrubbed his hands never to get rid of the black stains. She worried so much about sending him to school and the teachers thinking he was dirty. The life of a country kid, I thought.

    1. Oh yes, I'm well aware of the way walnuts can stain. I made ink once and couldn't get it off my hands either.


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