A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Not quite

 I'm not quite finished with the 'corker of a project' so I can't show you just yet.  Plus I'm waiting for a component to arrive in the mail so that might take a few days yet.  

I don't have anything to show you either because the Resident Chef and I spent pretty much an entire day 'renovating' my sewing room so I can do away with the heavy Rubbermaid totes I had filled with fabric.  You do NOT want to see pictures of THAT mess!! know what it's going to be don't you...

- There is a link HERE to download and print a handy yarn chart.

- I know we don't want to think about the dreaded season to come, but getting a head start on one of THESE might be fun.

- Of course you know THIS would catch my eye.

-  There are links HERE to lots of placemat and table runners.

- If you're doing any canning that you plan to give as gifts, perhaps you'd like THIS additional touch.

- I understand that weighted blankets are good for some people so perhaps THIS version might intrigue you.

- Have a peek through the galleries of THIS aritst!

- And THIS artist too (she does amazing things with paper)

Today's quote is from Rigel J. Dawson..."Learn to deal with people for who they are, not who you want them to be.  Life gets a lot easier when you stop expecting apple juice from oranges"


  1. Such a wise quotation! I think it includes dealing with yourself, too, as you are, not always straining to "improve".

    1. Good 'take' on it Boud. We all need to learn to be a little gentler on ourselves.

  2. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Sherry of createology: I would love to see what you and RC came up with to resolve the heavy totes of fabrics. I can barely lift mine any longer. Great quote.

    1. 5-drawer plastic 'towers'! I already had two and just need to buy one more. Moved a small cupboard into the closet which then gave me enough room to add a third 5-drawer 'tower'. Now I have to somewhat downsize my stash of fabrics to fit in the alloted drawer space but if you subscribe to the container concept of organization you can only keep what will fit in the container you have for it. No more lifting totes for me (unless you count three that only hold lightweight things).

  3. I don't know why we are all so hard on is definitely too short to try to "change" people-- hugs, Julierose

    1. It's a losing battle to try to change people for sure.

  4. The blanket-to-coat idea is something I've toyed with since first seeing the design (in an actual book, way before the internet) for making a traditional capote. It's the kind of thing that might be really useful for my barnyard lifestyle, but the idea of handsewing something as heavy as a wool blanket - and the expense of the blanket to start with - probably means it will keep it's Imagination Only status on my list :)

    1. Perhaps a thrifted blanket would work? I doubt I'll be making one either but it's a nice thought.

  5. I think we all need to be more accepting and give more grace as we get older. I have a friend who is hardening herself and becoming so unaccepting she's losing friends..... but you can't tell her that. I might slip this quote into a notecard or something.

    1. I had to give up on a 'friend' who did that - she became such a chore to be with that I would come home with a headache. She was a downer about everything, no matter what it was. I hated to cut her loose but I had to, for my own sanity. She, of course, thought she was perfect.

  6. Thank you!
    My biggest entertainment today is reading the title as, How to make a coat out of a basket, LOL!
    It got worse. I looked for the basket!

  7. Sometimes it is so very hard to accept someone for how they are. I try, but sometimes I just want to give them a very good shake and say wake up and join in real life.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, some people sometimes do need a good shake but I guess they could say the same about us at times. All we can do is our best.

  8. I don't know... I think it would be fun to see pictures of your sewing room (before and after - though I imagine it's too late for before pictures. :) That is a good quote to live by. I should remember it.

    1. If you want to see my sewing room there are pictures in the 'studio tour' section in my sidebar. There's pictures there of my previous sewing space too. My room here doesn't change much simply because there's no space to shoehorn anything else in.


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