A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Isn't it a corker?

 Do you remember corking when you were younger?  Or more snooty-called  French Knitting?  Well, your intrepid correspondent had a wee chat with the Resident Chef/handyman which resulted in him making me a loom (is it called a loom??) and now I'm corking away.  See?....

There IS a method to my madness which will be unveiled in due time.  

- Perhaps you have the makings for one of THESE?

- THIS looks like an interesting thing to try.

- HERE is an interesting 'recipe' to play with.

- Have a peek at the creations of THIS incredible artist!


  1. When I was probably about 8, "Santa" brought me a "Little Red Spinning Wheel" which I begged for because the commercial showed all these things you could make....effortlessly. It had this same kind on loom on it and a place to hold a spool of yarn you would wrap yourself. There were 3 sizes of loom. I think a hot pad was as far as I got and maybe a bracelet. As a child, it took forever to make a rope log enough for the project. Just didn't have patience at that age. I'm curious to see what you are making.

    1. Yes, it takes awhile to make a big project with this but for my purposes I think it will be perfect. Jury is still out!

  2. We used to do this in the way to school and home, boys, too. With great plans for big projects, which didn't come to pass!

    1. Me too - and RC says his mother often gave them the chore of making long cords with one. He suspect it was more to keep them busy that serving any real purpose.

  3. I tell you, that list says it all--it is grand when you feel you can let those silly things go!!:))))
    I used to have one of those for car trips...I loved making those knitted ropes...will be watching to see what you make of it...
    Hugs, Julierose

    1. It will be fun to see if what I have in mind works out in the end. Stay tuned!

  4. I made a couple of rugs a few years back using corking. Loved doing so and need to repair the one downstairs sometime soon. It is a great way of using bits and bobs of yarn up.

    God bless.

    1. You made rugs? That's pretty amazing! I think the biggest thing I ever managed might have been a coaster back in the day.

  5. Yes! I had one as a kid and as an adult. The wooden spools big enough aren't easy to find nowadays. I don't remember what we made from them. Maybe a rug for a doll house or a tea cozy.

    1. I still have some bigger wooden spools in my stash that once belonged to my grandmother so it was relatively easy for RC to make what I needed.

  6. I have tried and tried to remember what we called those spool-things when we were little, but am drawing a blank just as I did with those button-and-string spinny toys we used to make. But it wouldn't surprise me at all to find a spool with yarn and tail still attached in one of the many boxes of miscellaneous stuff sent to me when my parents' house was sold. I may not live long enough to go through all those boxes.

    1. I always heard of it as a 'corker' but an ask of Mr. Google yielded that it might be called a 'French Knitting Spool'. As for the button and spring toy, I'm drawing a blank. Hah - a further ask of Mr. Google - it's called a 'buzzer'....who knew!!

  7. I've always wondered how one of those things works. I never had one, nor had the opportunity to try one. Now you have me wanting to...

    1. It's really easy to do so give it a try. You can ask Mr. Google for a how-to and all you really need is a larger wooden spool and 4 nails. Just make sure the hole in your spool is big enough to allow 4 strands of the yarn you want to use to pass through.


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