A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

You knew it, didn't you

 I'm sure you're not the least bit surprised that another landscape is underway.  This time I'm using this photo by Dale Stewart (and used with his always kind permission)...

I have the hare-brained idea that I can incorporate a road map in to the design.  Stay tuned to see if that thought will bear fruition or whether it might be a total flop.   Right now it's pretty much 50/50.

- You might want to give THIS technique a try.

- THIS looks like a useful bag you could make.  And there's THIS one too.

- The creations by THIS artist are interesting.

Today's quote is from Abraham Lincoln..."Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most"


  1. I'm entering an age where I think discipline is overrated! Another landscape, she's on fire!

    1. Yes, another landscape - I think I'm just a tad obsessed! There are simply too many wonderful possibilities out there and I just can't help myself.

  2. Another lovely photo to work from!! I like the rusty color on that truck a lot...hugs, Julierose

    1. Dale takes the most amazing photos and he's so very generous to allow me to use them for inspiration. I'm certainly grateful (and obviously inspired!)

  3. I love maps, and I'm wondering if you will incorporate a map of the same vintage as the truck :)

    1. I tried, but I couldn't find one of the right age that I was allowed to print.

  4. Now that will make a lovely landscape. I told Harvey we need to visit the country here to see if we could find you some interesting photos.

    God bless.

    1. awww - thank you! Photos are always appreciated and of course you know I give full credit to the photographer on the label (and on my blog).

  5. Oh goodie! I'm glad you're jumping right into another landcape. Fun for us!

    1. I often wonder if my readers get beyond bored with my mumbling on...and on...and on....about landscapes. But I can't help it that I'm a tad bit obsessed.

  6. I see you are checking out various dying/staining techniques. I'm with the Graphic Fairy still. Not instant coffee, but I always turn to my left over morning coffee in various dilutions, and dab it on with folded paper towel. The soaked paper dries quickly laying on wax paper. I don't understand why people want to dry them in an oven?

    1. Hmmm - I would think drying in the oven could be a fire hazard? Never would occur to me to attempt doing that.

  7. This wonderful photo will look great in fabric.

    1. Dale always provides amazing inspiration, for sure.


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