A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, May 31, 2024

A beginning, sort of, maybe

 Remember I showed you a photo last time that I hoped to turn into a landscape?  And that I had a scheme in mind to attempt to use a road map?  Well, I've been putzing with that idea and this is what I have so far...

I had the copy shop embiggen the map and print it out at the 18x24" size.  But.  It was too white.  Too stark.  So, out came the tea bag** heated with a little bit of water and sponged on.  Still not quite aged enough to suit me so next up was a little bit of water and coffee, also sponged on. to make it act as fabric?  Well, first of all I tried attaching it to fabric with HeatNBond but I was still afraid it would rip.  So...multiple tests were done using various potions I had in my stash with me ultimately settling on 'Golden Soft Gel' - two coats, applied in two directions.  There it sits. I sit....contemplating the wisdom and the how of attempting to quilt it now.  

** Did you know....that Red Rose tea no longer uses bags that dye successfully for future use?  Instead they seem to be using some sort of plastic-y material that refuses to stay coloured.  Boo.  

- If you like aprons for yourself, or want to make them for gifts, there's lots HERE to choose from.

- THIS is a really pretty shawl pattern.

- THIS was created as a cosmetic bag but I can see all sorts of other uses too.

- I think THIS would be fun to try.

- Once more I have a little tidbit that proves you never know what you'll find when you visit with me...go HERE to see what I'm talking about.  I didn't know such inserts existed and I can think of several other ways to use them.

Today your quote is from Nelson Mandela..."Our world is not divided by race, color, gender, or religion.  Our world is divided into wise people and fools.  And fools divide themselves by race, color, gender, or religion"


  1. Interesting new experiment. I'm looking forward to seeing its progress.

    1. Me too! It's definitely an experiment.

  2. I stopped Red rose too--I am now into Trader Joe's Irish is strong enough to take lashings of half-and half which i add;)))....Great idea for the map background--I'll be looking forward to seeing how it works out...Hope your weekend is a fun wone...hugs, Julierose P.S. i am hand quilting "My Little Flags"--almost is a hand resting day though...;)))

    1. I don't drink tea very often and usually it's flavoured when I do. We buy Red Rose to make iced tea in the summer and I was looking forward to having some tea bags to play with. Will have to try another brand.
      I'm spending my day doing hand embroidery on this landscape so I imagine my fingers will be aching tonight.

  3. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Sherry of createology: Hello Dear. So much happens everyday the time just gets right past me. I love your map idea for the truck background. Your process should work if the gel allows you to stitch through it. You always have such interesting links. I love aprons! Nelson Mandela was a very wise man and this quote proves it. Creative Bliss My Friend…

    1. Yes, I can stitch through the gel but I think I'll use a longer stitch length than I do normally. I'm hopeful my idea will bear fruit!

  4. Use the longer stitch length and I would probably just do the major roads and a few of the others. Good luck.

    God bless.

    1. I agree - I'll test it out on a scrap piece first to see if it will work.

  5. Interesting to see into your creative process.

    Bummer on Red Rose tea. I'm drinking a glass of it as I type. I have discovered that I prefer Tetley tea, It has a less bitter aftertaste. I wonder if they do any funny business with their teas or teabags.

    1. Teabags used to retain the tea stain so they could be used in all sorts of ways. Sadly the colour rinses right out of the bags they're using for Red Rose. We're going to buy a box of no-name and see if they're the same.

    2. You know... when I started collecting used tea bags, I did notice that the color washed out when I tried to rinse the residual flecks of tea leaves off the inside after it dried. I decided to just not rinse them anymore. I figured that must be normal, and that others must not rinse their's out. I'm going to keep on not rinsing them, but for the first time I'm curious if others might think that gross. I don't think it will change what I do, but do you care to weigh in on that? 😄

    3. I really don't know what to think about the tea bags now and will wait and see what cheap no-name tea will be like. Perhaps we could ask Mr. Google's advice on the subject? I was contemplating using them as a background in a landscape but don't know how they would work from a longevity standpoint.

  6. Does Red Rose still have the little ceramic figurines? When we have tea it's Constant Comment. Your map background reminds me of the wonderful novel The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd.

    1. No, I haven't seen any figurines in the Red Rose tea for a long time. I think everyone had a collection of them at one time.

  7. Interesting process on your new background.

    1. Interesting, indeed....but wonder if I'm attempting something I shouldn't be. Time will tell!!


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