A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, May 20, 2024

 I thought I might point you to a really interesting post about the actual Witch's House in Saskatchewan....go HERE.  And now, perhaps you can see that I have quilted the sky area with a vague nod to a trapunto technique for some of the clouds...

Over the weekend Resident Chef appeared in my sewing room doorway bearing this...
Sourdough Cheese bread!

- I must admit my jaw was dropping as I scrolled through the work of THIS incredible artist!!  AND, when you get to the bottom of the first page, click through to the next one...and the next one.  

- THIS might be a fun technique to try.

- HERE is another take on doing a temperature quilt.

- I enjoyed seeing THESE.

Today's quote..."Worry is a conversation you have with yourself about things you cannot change.  Prayer is a conversation you have with God about things He can change"


  1. Love how you worked the clouds--very nice...hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks! I know it's hard to see in the photo but there IS dimension to most of the clouds.

  2. Your sky is just great, in fact this piece is developing really impressively.

    1. Still not sure about what I'm attempting to do with the foreground but I'm persevering...for good or bad!

  3. I knew I had seen this house before!!! We lived in Shaunavon for a number of years (Harvey was working for Suncor at the time) and went to see it. You are doing an excellent job with this landscape.

    God bless.

    1. I really wish I could see it in person...that would be so cool!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! It was sort of a no-brainer to quilt in that manner.

  5. Oooh... that bread looks really good. Had to look up Trapunto quilting. I'd heard the term, wasn't sure what it meant. So I've now got questions... Did you stuff some of the clouds to give them more puffiness? I think I see that, but I'm not sure.

    1. The bread was indeed good. And to answer your question - no I didn't specifically stuff the clouds but I ended up with a trapunto effect when I finished quilting the sky by leaving the clouds unquilted. It's subtle but I like it.

    2. I do too. :)


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