A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, May 24, 2024

mmm, mmm, good!


Resident Chef made this and I can attest that it's delish!  Thought I'd share in case any of you would like to try it.


2 lb. pork, chicken or beef, sliced thinly
2 T. veg. oil                             1 c. fine chopped onion
1 ½ c. chopped green and/or red peppers
1 ½ c. grated carrots
12 T. white vinegar       1 c. brown sugar, packed
4 T. soy sauce               4 T. ketchup
1 tsp. ground ginger     1 tsp. garlic powder
8 tsp. cornstarch          4 T. water
1 can sliced mushrooms, drained
200 grams (approx) Udon or Rice noodles - cooked
        Heat oil and stir fry onion, peppers & carrots til
soft.  Add next 6 ingredients.  Mix cornstarch & water;
 add & stir til thickened. Heat 2 T. oil & add pork strips.
 Stir fry til no longer pink.  Add mushrooms & sauce.

- The quilters among you might enjoy seeing some interviews of the winners at the Quilt Week Show at Paducah.  Go HERE 

- And, better get those bread crumbs ready for when you visit all the free patterns to be found HERE!

- Sometimes you just never know when a tidbit of information just might be the very thing you need to know as THIS will likely attest (and yet another example of you not quite knowing what to expect here!).

- Although I don't often work with paper, I thought THESE would be a fun project.

- Must admit THIS is beyond my abilities but I know some of you enjoy spinning so perhaps you'd like to give it a try.

Today's quote is from John Bunyan..."You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you"


  1. Oooh YUM!! I will definitely give this a try; looks thanks to the chef...hugs for a great weekend Julierose

    1. RC says you're welcome! Hope you like it as much as we did.

  2. Your spinning link is interesting. I've spun and dyed coffee filters, which can be cut into a very long continuous strip and are resistant enough to spin and dye without tearing. I like the efforts you make to bring us all these great links, complete with cautions and encouragement.

    1. I was thinking of you when I stumbled across the paper spinning. I do remember you using coffee filters. Glad you like the links!

  3. Thank you for the recipe!
    The paper spinning looks really interesting. The paper moths give me ideas. It is always nice to have a new craft to learn

    1. I thought the moths looked like fun too.,

  4. Thanks for the RC/Magpie approved recipe -- and for the interesting sites to explore.

  5. Mmmmm. Thanks for sharing another recipe, Mary Anne!

    1. You're welcome! Resident Chef certainly comes up with some good ones.

  6. Thank you Chef. Been craving this food for the past 3 months. I've gone around to restaurants in 6 towns around here to try all the different dishes.

    1. He says you're welcome! Hope you enjoy it.


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