A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

A lovely surprise!

 These pretties arrived from #2 son and daughter-in-love for Mother's Day....

I'm blessed!!!

- THIS would be a fun project to create for your summertime decor.

- Please walk to your kitchen and obtain a loaf of bread.  You will need LOTS of crumbs to find your way back out of THESE!  There are pages of them!

- THIS sounds intriguing and we all know the raw materials are plentiful this time of year!

- THIS is a pretty piece of clothing that would be relatively simple to make and would be perfect for an additional layer.

- And, just to prove that you never quite know what you will find here at Chez Magpie, how about trying THIS?

- Or maybe THIS?

Today's quote..."Not sure if I'm bad at sleeping or just really really really good at thinking"


  1. The dandelion paper is right up my street. I've made paper with other plant materials, but there aren't enough dandelions in this sprayed and mown area. And beads, too! She's great.

    1. I thought you would find the dandelion paper link of interest. Too bad you didn't live here because our little park by the river as well as our apartment grounds are chock full of them.

  2. What a beautiful basket that says Springtime and Happy mother's Day all in one hugs, Julierose

    1. It definitely says springtime! We're hoping we can plant the bulbs behind our building and maybe have them come up next year.

  3. Such pretty bouquets -- the flowers and the links to interesting projects and ideas.

    1. Maybe the link to all the quilts might spark something for you to play with?

  4. BTW: I spent a good amount of time checking out all those free PDF quilt patterns--thanks!! Hugs, Julierose ;)))

    1. Hope you left a trail of bread crumbs!!

  5. Awww, how lovely!

  6. That thinking vs sleeping idea really hits home. When you think about something during the day it is WAY leas time-consuming.

    1. For me too! I can be so tired when I go to bed and then lie there awake til 3 am. It's not fun, for sure.

  7. Great Mother's Day gift. Always love flower arrangements that include fresh AND a piece like the Ivy that can live on.
    Your saying definitely targeted me.

    1. I love those sorts of arrangements too, although this one is mainly comprised of bulbs which we can't replant on our balcony. Instead we plan to plant them at the grave of RC's parents and hope they establish themselves there.

  8. What a lovely Mother's Day gift! I think too much too... sigh... xx

    1. After we plant them outside, I'm really hopeful they will come back next year. And I'm with you on the thinking too much!

  9. Replies
    1. It certainly was! Now I've repurposed the basket and planted the bulbs outdoors, plus there were a couple indoor plants that I have repotted.

  10. What a beautiful basket of blooms!

    1. It was indeed - and hopefully the bulbs will 'take' and bloom again next year.


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