A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Hmmmm -

 Much contemplation of my navel happening here at Chez Magpie because I'm not happy with the proportions of the original truck in the latest landscape.  Methinks I shall embiggen it somewhat and see if it makes me happier.

Yesterday I taught a second workshop for our local guild and, amazingly, all seem to have survived the ordeal.

- Some of you might want to make one (or more!) of THESE.

- Or maybe THIS?

- It's coming into warm weather in this end of the world, so perhaps you could make yourself one of THESE.

- THIS little fellow made me smile so I thought you might like him too.

Today the quote is from Hans Christian Andersen..."The whole world is a series of miracles, but we're so used to them we call them ordinary things"


  1. Every year I think about making a sun hat, fabric, crochet, something, and every year I don't get around to it. Maybe this year?! Hats are always too big for me, so here's the chance to make one that fits. Again.

    1. I hate wearing hats so I know I won't be making one but I know a few people who might be interested. I might be convinced to wear a toque if it's a bitter cold day and I absolutely have to be out in it.

  2. I also think the truck should be bigger. It just does not look right for some reason.

    God bless.

    1. And yet - it's in exact proportion to the building as it is in the original photo. T'is a puzzlement!

  3. I wrote this before I read your response to Jackie above: The truck looks correctly proportioned compared to the photo, but you're right. It looks tiny on its own compared to your pieced building. Must be some sort of optical illusion.

    1. I agree Becki - an optical illusion. I tried creating a larger truck and that didn't look right either. I finally decided (I think...maybe...perhaps) that creating a narrower strip of grass beneath helps. No time the past couple days to putz with it so will have to wait to see if I'm right.

  4. You discover such interesting crafty stuff! And, yes, maybe a larger truck.

    1. I'm glad my readers are seeing the truck issue along with me - and yet, as I said before it's in exact proportion to the original photo. Really strange!
      Glad you like the links!

  5. A bigger truck I also think will be nice.
    The blue chick is so adorable! I'd make one larger for a little pillow.
    Love the sun hat!

    1. The truck has indeed been embiggened somewhat and both RC and I think it looks better. We'll see.
      And yes, you're right, that little chick would make a sweet pilllow!

  6. I agree with the idea of the scale of your truck, but only ever so slightly taller and longer. When you "install" the windows you'll know.
    I'm an avid You Tube viewer and found the SewingTimes big mouth bag yesterday and really do like it. Great choice to share.

    1. I think I've figured what to do with the truck scale but won't have time until Saturday to test it out.

  7. It looks great 🙂. That's an amazing talent to make a quilt out of a photo. I'm impressed.

    1. When I have amazing photos to create from, it surely makes it fun to do what I do. Thanks for the inspiration on this one!

  8. Catching up backwards. Now, I can see the work you did on the sky didn't change the truck's appearance. You made a good call when you enlarged it.

    1. I didn't end up enlarging it by much but I think it was just enough to do the trick.

  9. I just might have to get out my sewing machine and try that hat. My straw hat is so floppy, I seldom wear it.

    1. I won't be making the hat because I hate wearing them. The only time I wear a hat is if I know I'm going to be outside in the winter and that my ears will freeze.


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