A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, April 15, 2024 know....

 Yes, you know I've started a new landscape (this one will be my 51st) and this time it's inspired by a photo by Glen Bowe (and shared with his kind permission).  Here's his original...

And, this is how I've begun...

I snagged this fun little game from Boud's blog and thought it was worth sharing.  Please post your 'name' in the comments, just for fun.  Mine is 'Angel of Sacred Compassion'.  

- Perhaps you'd like to check out THIS online auction of some pretty amazing quilts (a fundraiser for SAQA).

- I thought THESE were really cute. You might want to use the 'translate' feature, but wonderful to see even without it.

- Have a peek at the amazing denim creations HERE.  

- And check out the various galleries of THIS amazing artist.  I love her use of colour!

Today's quote is from Abraham Lincoln..."We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or we can rejoice because thorn bushes have roses"


  1. "Guardian of Limitless Pleasure" is mine !! This is a different and pretty choice for your landscape...lots to add...enjoy
    working it out..hugs, Julierose

    1. Fun name! Thanks for playing along. Sometimes we need a little fun and games and I thought this certainly fit the bill.

  2. That game is fun. My readers really got into it! And I should know -- I'm the Guardian of Radical Truth!

  3. Hi Mary Anne: It is going to be an amazing quilt like your other quilts, looking forward to seeing it finished, wow 51 that is a load of quilts, thank-you for sharing.


    1. Yes, do you think maybe I'm somewhat obsessed??

  4. I forgot to tell you the denim dress was my favorite link today.


    1. If you mean the first dress that comes up, me too!!!

  5. Val (UK)2:37 PM

    Ha ha - love the game from Boud - but not sure if mine fits ... Guardian of Spiritual Revolution. However, not sure I should tell hubs what his is ... Oracle of Profound Wisdom - I think I shall keep that bit to myself, or I shall never hear the last of it !!
    Enjoy your new project - looks like one that you will be adding your personal touch !
    Lovely denim designs link. :-)
    Val (UK)

    1. Yes, perhaps you'd best keep DH's 'name' under wraps because if yours is anything like mine, neither one of us would hear the last of it.

  6. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Sherry of createology: aka. “Seeker of Radical Excellence”. You have a very interesting to your newest landscape. It seems impossible that you have created over 50 fabric landscapes. Each on so detailed and beautiful! Amazing wearable denim pieces. I choose to have thorn bushes that have beautiful roses.

    1. For some reason this new landscape is giving me problems - I'm not happy with the perspective and yet it's pretty much true to the photo. Finally gave up and will let it percolate for awhile.

  7. I am Seeker of Radiant Wisdom..... This landscape is going to be just great. I can't believe how many of these you have completed.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks for playing along! It's fun to see all the great names.
      I can't believe I've made that many either and I must say I don't see stopping anytime soon because there's too many great possibilities out there.

  8. Your new beginning is intriguing. Always enjoy looking at jean upcycles.

    1. I agree that it's intriguing, but hit a bit of a snag this afternoon. I think I've figured it out now, but won't know until I can get back to it on Wednesday.

  9. "Angel of divine compassion" -- gotta remember that, as S is on a tear this morning.........

    1. That's one that's hard to keep in mind sometimes - hope he's settled now.

  10. Thanks for sharing photos of how you develop the landscape quilt.

    1. I try to challenge myself to try something different with every landscape I do...with varying degrees of success.

  11. Oh, I love how this one is starting off!

    1. This part of it is fine but the grass/truck are giving me fits. Much contemplation of my navel over it but I think I have it sorted now.

  12. Oracle of Magnificent Passion. Yep. That's me.

    51 landscapes? I wonder how many of those I've been around for... It's amazing how similar is the truck that shows up in some of the pictures you use. They are wonderful old things. There must be hundreds sitting out in fields, rusting, waiting for someone to take a picture to preserve their awesomeness.

    1. Good name!
      Those old trucks have so much character and I have a hard time resisting them.

  13. Oooh, that has a mosaic feeling to it. Seeker of Radiant Passion is my moniker. I just ordered and received a denim dress that was on sale from Amazon to use as a bathing suit cover-up and I swear they used some denim cushion covers for it because it has puffs in it that look like cushion corners. Thought about sending it back, but it was pretty inexpensive and doesn't look that bad to wear to the pool.

    1. Yes, I was going for a mosaic look. I love denim and live in jeans all winter long. Currently searching for a denim skirt for summer but haven't found one I like.


Thank you so much for leaving comments! I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy life to talk to me. It's wonderful to know that someone is actually reading my mumblings and even more fun if I can connect with you and visit your blog.