A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, April 22, 2024


 I've added a little to the landscape as you can see from the photo.  I ended up embiggening the truck slightly and, at least to my eye, it looks more in synch with the old schoolhouse.  

And, we came across this wonderful old barn in our travels over the weekend and you already know it's going to be fodder for creativity somewhere down the road...

- The knitters among you might find THIS useful.

- Have a peek at the colourful creations of THIS artist!

- I found THIS article to be quite interesting.

- THIS might be a fun project (and wouldn't it make nice gifts too?)

Today I thought I'd share this (found via Barbara's blog and situated in the Top of the Rock Ozarks Heritage Preserve)... 


  1. If only our politicians thought like the Iroquois Maxim instead of in short term gains!!!:000
    I like the enlargedened truck--you have a good eye doing this...hugs, Julierose

    1. Yes, you're right - politicians should learn this quote and take it to heart.
      (and yes, I'm happier with the truck now)

  2. I'm reading the article about sustainable shopping on Earth Day. Great reminder! It's sometimes hard to distinguish need from want.

    1. I agree that it's often hard to distinguish need from want - as I spent far to much money ordering myself a new pair of runners. My current ones are ten years old, but I still had a hard time justifying the purchase.

  3. Good progress, great links
    The Mojo Muse, there are techniques there that I'd like to use on a tunic. The apron is perfect! I want to make one with a stretch button on band instead of ties.

    1. Good idea for the button on band that's stretchable!

  4. Yes, you've got a great shot there for your next piece.
    G & I traveled the Route 66 route (on my blog) and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    1. I wanted to get a photo of that barn before it falls down - it's amazing how fast it's deteriorating.

  5. Another fine landscape. (How large are these when they're finished?)

    1. Most of them measure between 25 & 28"...thanks Nann.

  6. Before reading, I was thinking it was the sky work you did that changed the truck's appearance, but if it was making the truck larger that did the trick, it really worked!

    1. The only thing I changed was the size of the truck somewhat plus I removed the possibility of the tree branch because I think it looks better without it.


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