A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, October 20, 2023


 Today, instead of a picture (because I don't really have much to show at the moment), I thought I'd share this wonderful poem by Caitriona Loughrey....

Barely the day started and
it's already six in the evening.
Barely arrived on Monday
and it's already Friday.
.. and the month is already over.
.. and the year is almost over.
.. and already 40, 50 or 60 years
of our lives have passed..
.. and we realize that we lost
our parents, friends.
.. and we realize it's too late
to go back..
Let's try, despite
everything, to enjoy
the remaining time..
Let's keep looking for
activities that we like..
Let's put some color in
our grey..
Let's smile at the little
things in life that put
balm in our hearts..
And despite everything,
we must continue to enjoy
with serenity this time we
have left..
Let's try to eliminate the
I'm doing it after..
I'll say after..
I'll think about it after..
We leave everything for
later like " after ′′ is ours.
Because what we don't
understand is that ~
Afterwards, the coffee
gets cold..
afterwards, priorities change..
Afterwards, the charm is
Afterwards, health passes..
Afterwards, the kids grow up.
Afterwards parents get old..
Afterwards, promises are
Afterwards, the day becomes
the night.
Afterwards, life ends.
And then it's often too late.
Let's leave nothing for
Because still waiting to see
later, we can lose the
best moments, the best
experiences, best friends,
the best family..
The day is today..
moment is now..
We are no longer at the
age where we can afford
to postpone what needs
to be done right away.
It Looks Like An Eternity,
But It's A Short Trip..
Enjoy Life And Always
Be Kind..
- Caitriona Loughrey

Today's quote..."Don't offer a lecture to a person who needs a hug"


  1. I wonder who said today's quotation? It's pretty good.

    1. So many great quotes I discover aren't attributed to anyone and that's sad. I always mention the author if I can find it.

  2. Looks like great minds think alike. I just got done emailing a list of Halloween sites from the same Christmas list site you have above. Its a very rich site. I guess I should say, disregard the email.

    1. ha ha - no worries! Great minds are always a good thing!

  3. Love the quote. I agree with the poem, time is whizzing right by.

    God bless.

    1. Time seems to go much faster the older we get.

  4. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Sherry of createology: “If not NOW…WHEN?” Is one of my favorite mantras. This poem really says it well. Cute links dear. I wish my parents and husband knew to follow this quote.

    1. I like that mantra and should try to follow it too.

  5. Greetings: Love the poem, time is flying by way too fast.
    I love the ginger bread designs so cute and I did do an awww, I do not play with Legos but watch every Thursday the Lego Masters, so cool and creative.


    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who did an awww! I always wanted Lego when I was a kid but it wasn't for girls or so it seemed at the time. Now it's much more acceptable for girls which is a good thing.

  6. That fits with my just say yes to everything and see where it takes you year! There never is the perfect time, but the clock is ticking for sure! Love those gingerbread :)
    have a lovely week.
    Wren x

    1. Exactly! Saying yes to things outside your comfort zone is pretty much always a good learning venture...mind you, it sometimes means you end up over extended and wishing you'd said no.

  7. I know it's been a long while since I've poked my head in here and when I read the poem you posted I knew it was a message for me to quit all of the procrastinating! Thank you for that. I really got a chuckle out of the lego ideas. My niece's husband is a big Lego fan so I passed on the post to her. I hope your autumn has been colorful and long!

    1. Ah, procrastination - should be my middle name! I love Lego and really wish it had been an 'approved of' thing when I was a kid. It wasn't proper for girls to want Lego and train sets although I would have gladly given up dolls in favour of the fun so-called 'boys' toys.


Thank you so much for leaving comments! I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy life to talk to me. It's wonderful to know that someone is actually reading my mumblings and even more fun if I can connect with you and visit your blog.