A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, October 23, 2023

And the battle is on

 And, yes, that title was tongue in cheek (sort of).  Resident Chef and I have, over the past few years, gotten away from buying gifts for each other for Christmas beyond just a token one or two little things to open Christmas morning.  We have reached the point in our lives where we don't NEED anything so it seems rather silly to spend money on 'stuff' just to say we did.  Well, he knows that I've been saving my money to get myself a new sewing machine; THIS one to be exact.  Now, I definitely do NOT need a new sewing machine because there's absolutely nothing really wrong with the one I have.  But...I WANT it.  It does more than my current has more's a Janome.  Some of you might remember my mourning the loss of my previous Janome when it fell off my sewing table and bent the drive shaft beyond recall.  That Janome sewed all those recycled denim jackets with nary a problem and never a spa trip to the repair shop.  I loved that machine ('scuse me while I go in search of a tissue to mop the tears).  He knows I've not been happy with any of the machines I've had since and he also remembers that the reason the Janome fell off the table in the first place is because he forgot to anchor the table top properly.  So...over the weekend the subject of what to get each other for Christmas arose and he insists that we should just go ahead and get that new machine, despite the fact that I don't have enough money yet and that the machine is for me and not for him.  I suspect he will win the battle but that doesn't mean I won't feel guilty about spending that much on just a sewing machine.  

He harvested the last of his little balcony garden and arrived in my sewing room doorway to show me this...

He had a bumper crop of peppers this year despite the damage from the storm and says he thinks he has enough in the freezer now to last us the winter.  Not bad for growing on the balcony!

- THIS is a rather cute little fellow.

- HERE are a number of great uses for vinegar.

- I'm not a weaver, but thought those of you who are might appreciate reading THIS article.

- Not being a sane quilter per se I don't know if many of you would find THIS tip useful but it seems to me that it's rather brilliant.

Today is another quote from an unknown source..."Life is so short.  We spend so much time sweating the small stuff, worrying, complaining, gossiping, comparing, wishing, wanting and waiting for something bigger and better instead of focusing on all the simple blessings that surround us every day.  Life is so fragile and all it takes is a single moment to change everything you take for granted.  Focus on what's important and be grateful.  You are blessed.  Believe it and live your life and leave no regrets"


  1. Oh oh oh--just love that "Magic Quilt that sews itself" idea from Mary & Patch...what a way to use up scraps and cut offs.. thanks for the linkey---;))))
    Which Janome are you hoping for? I haven't really been all that happy since my Pfaff Variamatic died....a long time ago. My Viking is fine and sews well, but I miss the "feel" of that Pfaff--I'm sure you know what I mean...hugs, Julierose

    1. I really thought that idea for the magic quilt was a good one, but wasn't sure since I don't do sane quilts.
      As for Janome - I'm looking at a 5300QDC. Price is a factor and I really don't need all the bells and whistles on the pricier models.

  2. I think you should go ahead and get your new machine. It will give you pleasure and it will give the Resident Chef pleasure and that's a gift for you both!! Lovely peppers! Sorry not to have been around much recently, life has been hectic! Hugs Christine xx

    1. I think I'm dealing with the guilt factor of spending that much money on a new machine when I already have a perfectly good one that works okay.
      No worries - life gets in the way of a lot of things sometimes.

  3. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Sherry of createology: Definitely get your new Janome. It will be used to create many wonderful gifts that come from your creative hands and mind. Resident Chef is very loving and caring to want to buy it for you. His peppers are gorgeous. Remember…”If not NOW, WHEN?” Get the machine and enjoy it my friend.

    1. I'm trying to remind myself of the 'if not now, when' saying but I still feel guilty. I have 2/3's of the $ saved for it so it's not going to be a big expense to go ahead with it now but all the same, I wanted to pay for it with my own money.

  4. yeS, YES! Love those Janome machines for simply sewing through layers of denim like butta. Had my first one for a year now. Congrats!

    1. I'm not doing the denim jackets any more but my old Janome didn't balk at all the thick layers even once. I've wanted another one ever since but it's hard to justify the price.

  5. Wow! That's a lot of green peppers. Bravo!
    Good for the sewing machine decision. As much sewing as you do, you deserve it.

    1. That harvest of peppers is only about half of what he got out of the few plants he had. It was definitely a good year for peppers!

  6. Oh yum peppers you are lucky to have some to last the winter, congratulations on the new sewing machine, I hope you get it soon, looks like an amazing machine.
    We do not buy gifts we do not need anything we do a date night at an expensive restaurant.
    Have a great week.


    1. A date night would be nice too - maybe I should suggest that to Resident Chef

  7. Wondering if my comment went to spam?

    1. Didn't receive a comment from you other than this one....nothing in spam either. Must be plugging the hole in the ozone layer along with a lot of things I seem to manage to misplace online.

  8. Oh, that's a lovely machine and an amazing harvest of peppers from a patio garden!

    1. Yes, the machine is definitely a charmer!

  9. Enjoy your soon-to-be new machine - you deserve it, as RC clearly knows :)

    1. I don't know as I deserve it so much as covet it!

  10. That is some harvest from your balcony. Truly he has a green thumb.

    1. He was pretty happy with the pepper crop but that storm we had did a number on his cherry tomatoes and they didn't do so well.

  11. That is a very impressive final harvest from the balcony garden!

    1. Yes, it always surprises me just how much he can manage to grow on our tiny little balcony. Would have been a better harvest for the tomatoes had that storm not almost beaten them into oblivion.


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