A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, July 01, 2024

Working on a prototype

 I've been asked if I would teach an 'intermediate' landscape workshop in the fall so I've been working on a prototype of something the participants could do.  I decided that most everybody has ready access to denim so that's my beginning and I thought I would repeat the windmill I did on the quilt I did awhile ago.  Hopefully it will work out and there will be enough interest to warrant teaching how to make it.  No picture to share with you just yet, so instead I have a day guessed it....

And....Happy Canada Day to those of us in Canada and Happy Fourth of July to my friends in the US.

- If you happen to be searching for a border design for a crochet project (could also be used on knitting or as a border on a fabric throw), go HERE and scroll down.

- THIS made me smile.

- Have a look through the gallery of THIS artist!

- And THIS amazing artist too (how I wish I could be a fly on the wall and watch her creating!!)

- If you scroll through THESE, I dare you not to say at least one or two 'awwww's'

Today's quote..."If you avoid the conflict to keep the peace, you start a war inside yourself"


  1. Happy Canada Day. I asked one of my Canadian sisters how it was celebrated, and she said most of the people she knew would be lying on the sofa with a newspaper over their face! Party on!

    1. Hah - if there were only newspapers to use these days! Usually there's fireworks in many communities and beyond that it depends on the community what they do to celebrate.

    2. So now it's lying down with a tablet on their faces?? She didn't have a lot of admiration for Canadian partying.

    3. More apt to be a case of beer!

  2. Remember Drink Canada Dry? I don't think it was an instruction but it looked like one.

    1. It certainly was a rather interesting ad campaign.

  3. Happy Canada Day right back at you.

    God bless.

  4. Happy Canada Day to you and your Countrymen and women.
    What an honor to be able to teach a class on your favorite hobby, I wish i lived near you i would be taking the class.


    1. Thank you Catherine! I wish you lived nearby too - wouldn't it be fun to meet?!


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