A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Doll dress and random stuff

 Over the weekend I finished the dress for the doll I've been working on.  Took some finangling to re-size-vamp-cobble a 'real' little girl dress pattern to fit the doll but I think I managed it.  Next time you see her, I hope she'll be done and headed for the Christmas box.  

There's enough fabric left to make a semi-matching dress for our grandie too.

- Joy sent me down THIS rabbit hole and I managed to spend far too much time exploring.  I do suggest you pour a cuppa and make sure you scatter lots of bread crumbs so you can find your way out!  Thanks Joy!

- THESE made me smile!  Be sure to keep scrolling down.

- Have a peek through the gallery of THIS artist.

- THESE are definitely awwww-worthy.

- You know I would like THIS (part one) and part two HERE

Today's quote... "Be grateful that no matter how much chocolate you eat, your earrings will still fit"


  1. Oh my goodness, Mary Anne... I needed more than breadcrumbs to get out of that first rabbit hole. I needed a sandwich to sustain me, and a rope tied around my waist to pull myself up with! Can't wait to fall in again. 😆

    Your doll dress is lovely. A coordinating one for your granddaughter will be just too too cute!

    1. Well, aren't you glad I warned you? Gotta have sustenance when we fall down some of the rabbit holes I send you on!

  2. Joy @ joyjotsshots9:27 AM

    Looks like you did come back out of the rabbit hole to make the cute little doll dress. The lace really sets it off.
    I've had to go in reverse with a doll pattern to make a dress for a newborn. The doll patterns usually fit better than those labeled "newborn."

    1. I won't mention how often I've managed to go back to that particular rabbit hole - so easy to get lost in there looking at all the pretty things.
      This doll supposedly can wear a size 2 dress but I think the size 2 of 70 years ago is quite different from what it is now.

  3. That is one great doll! I think she'll be well received

    1. I hope she will be. You never know with little kids though - the doll is so big that maybe our grandie might be scared of it. Won't know until she gets it!

  4. I look forward to seeing the dress on the doll! (I remember when my mother made clothes for our dolls. I am all the more appreciative with 65 years of hindsight.)

    1. This is the only doll or clothing that I ever remember my mother making for me so it's amazing that she kept the pattern long enough to hand it down to me.

  5. My Aunt Irene made dolls in the "raggedy Ann" style but with her own take...she made me one with a lavender flowery dress
    and pig tails. I have no idea, sadly, whatever happened to it...her hubby did the stuffing for her...such a lovely couple...
    What a cute the fabric...;)))
    We are all heat beat here these days--but thankful for our AC...hugs, Julierose

    1. I made Raggedy Ann's back in the day too - even made a Raggedy Andy halloween costume for our son to wear one year when he was little.
      I think we're all glad of having some a/c.

  6. Mary Ann: This is adorable, love the color and the lace, I am looking forward to seeing it finished and on the cute doll.


    1. I'm afraid the fact that I like blue was probably why I chose that fabric!

  7. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Sherry of createology: Dolly’s dress looks so cute. You are amazing dear. If you have enough fabric to make a matching dress for Princess Grandies, it will be the perfect gift. Thank goodness my earrings always fit because I do love chocolate!

    1. I'm with you on the chocolate! And yes, I have enough fabric to make a dress for our little grandie too. Such was the plan all along.

  8. The dolly is going to be well-dressed, and having a semi-matching dress will surely make "mama" feel extra special too. This is such a feel-good project - thank you for sharing it!

    1. You're right in saying that it was a feel-good project because I had a lot of fun making her.


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