A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Evening knitting

 I just finished knitting these mittens, also destined for the Christmas box.  Used a basic knitting pattern for the main body with only 4 rows of rib to start and then picked up stitches and added the faux fur cuff.  

Lion Brand Jeans yarn for the main body and Lion Brand Go For Faux for the cuffs.

- It seems like issues of copyright come up now and then so perhaps you might find THIS article of interest.

- THIS is a sweet little project you might like to do (provided you keep a bowl of ice water handy!)

- I also found THIS on the same site.

Today's quote..."Don't offer a lecture to a person who needs a hug"


  1. Really cute mittens--that cuff will be keeping someone really warm and toasty;))) hugs for a good weekend Julierose

    1. The colour is black but it's showing more green on my computer. I like the furry cuffs too.

  2. Prettily knitted mittens with "furry" cuffs. These are terrific, Mary Anne!

    1. Thanks Becki! Hopefully the recipient will like them.

  3. Amazing to be thinking about mittens in July!

  4. Very cute mittens. I love the fur cuffs.

    God bless.

    1. Hopefully the recipient will like the 'fur'.

  5. How do crafty people come up with ideas like those little flowers? (And how many prototypes are cast aside until the idea and instructions are good enough to record and post? LOL.) The cuffs on the mittens will be appreciated.

    1. I quite often marvel at how people come up with some of the ideas I see online. And how often I say to myself "I could have thought of that" (but you will notice, I didn't!)

  6. Your mittens are so clever. Who knew the cuff was knitted from yarn. Beautiful

    1. The faux fur was a tad 'interesting' to knit with but in the end I figured it out.

  7. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Sherry of createology: Dear MA…You are so very clever knitting faux fur onto the knitted mittens. You always share such great links and I Thank You. This quote is wonderful. Just the other day while chatting with another woman I stopped talking and gave her a big huge hug which she embraced me with a return big huge hug. No other words were needed. Blessings Dear.

    1. Hugs are the universal language and one I firmly believe in.

  8. Ooooh, those will be nice and toasty! Love the quote today - added it to my collection.

    1. Seems funny to be knitting mittens in the summer heat, but they're small projects and aren't heavy in my lap (so there's a method to my madness!). Glad you liked the quote.


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