A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A rant and a doll

 Well folks, that's half a day of my life I won't be able to get back.  Was rudely awakened by a robo-call from our credit card company informing me that my card had been compromised.  Me, being of soundly suspicious nature, went off on a wild goose chase trying to ascertain if the number they wanted me to call was legit.  Couldn't find it anywhere so I went to the credit card statement and called that to report what I thought was a scam.  Well turned out it wasn't and yes my card is compromised and they would issue me a new one.  Fine.  And then......then.....

I have an automatic debit for my cell phone from Public Mobile which is due to come off in the next day or two.  So...I needed to inform them, right?  Well, talk about being sent into online purgatory!!!  I ended up in a continous loop of 'push this in order to do that' and of course none of the options were what I needed.  So one of the options was to 'push this to contact them' - which I dutifully did.  Only to be told that my account password was no longer valid.  Say wha???  Ok - reset password (multi-step process that required yet more pushing of this and that) only to be sent back to the beginning of the loop.  Me, being a lady-like person, refused to turn the air blue as I went through it AGAIN only to be sent to the same loop as before and outright refusal to allow me to find the teeny-tiny-little button that allowed me to leave any sort of message outside of their allowable options.  Finally (did I mention that all this has taken pretty close to two hours?)....I left a private message and I await their pleasure of a response.  Good thing my cell phone plan is cheap!  


Part the 16,453 of the ongoing saga/rant - I got a response!  And you'll never believe what it was.  They sent me back my own message and so, in effect, I'm talking to myself.   AND.....This morning I got another copy of my original message from them...still with no actual response.  


On to other things that are more fun.  The doll is finished!  I'm searching for a pair of socks for her but that can wait.  In the meantime, here she is (she measures 32" high)

Not bad for a nearly 70-year old pattern!

- I enjoyed clicking through THESE so thought I'd share.

- Of course you know I liked seeing THESE!

- When I scrolled down through THESE I laughed at some and had an 'awwwww-moment' over others.

- There are lots of free quilt designs HERE.

- I thought THIS concept was rather intriguing and some of you might like to give it a try.

Today this quote is very fitting..."I'm not angry.  I'm just very enthusiastic about expressing my frustration"


  1. Oooh those credit card phone woes...unbelievable!! So crazy!! And totally frustrating--no wonder we need BP pills !!
    Anywaaaay, your dolly is so adorable...just love her facial expression...nice work
    hugs, and take a very deep breath....Julierose

    1. The credit card misuse was the lesser of the problems - still wrangling over the cell phone company.
      Glad you like the doll - I'm happy with her and hope our wee one likes her.

  2. The doll is just great. I can see her sleeping with Isla.

    1. Hmmm - the doll is big enough that there might not be room in her bed for both of them!

  3. Anonymous12:00 PM

    sherry of createology: Dolly and Isla will be wonderful friends. I can understand your frustrations with your CC being “compromised”. I have gone through this too many times. Wonderful links dear. How about a nice cuppa to relax?!

    1. I hope our wee girl will love her new dolly. We'll see, come Christmastime. As for the credit card - it wasn't that difficult to sort out but dealing with the cell phone provider was a whole 'nother kettle of fish.

  4. I am sorry you have to go through all that.
    No doubt companies make it very difficult for customers to get help.
    It seems like scammers are on a summer heat wave as I've had account passwords go to not correct. Months of using a written down password just don't stop for no reason.

    On calls, if I'm not given a choice i need, then I press 0 (zero) because some systems on 0 will give you a live person.

    1. It made life interesting for awhile, that's for sure, and I'm still not sure about the cell phone.
      I do the same with phone calls and it often works, but sadly there is no phone # to call the cell phone provider (or at least if there is I certainly could't find it).

  5. Much empathy. My cc company has been nothing but excellent, but my internet/landline/phone service has increased their price over and over again, and when I try to reach them for any reason, after trying to find a relevant reason to choose whether to "press 3 for this/press 9 for that," I swear they have one employee who puts on a different hat and possibly a false beard depending on which "line" he is answering.

  6. I just love this doll, she is adorable.
    I hate automation, I want to talk to a real person, I had my card compromised when we were on a cruise, it was horrible but that was 25 years ago, thankfully it was cleared up in an hour and a new card coming.
    So sorry to hear you had to go through so much trouble.
    Thank-you for the sweet links.


  7. I'm happy with the doll so hopefully our wee one will be too.
    Yes, I agree that sometimes talking to a real person is the only way. I found a 'community post board' for the cell phone company and there's all sorts of complaints on there about not being able to talk to a real person so I'm not the only one.

  8. OMG, customer service these days is just miserable. Now I just wait until a payment is rejected. The companies always send a quick link to let me enter a new cc number.

    1. Most companies do that, but from the horror stories I read on the chat for the cell phone company, apparently they promptly cut you off and you have to pay upwards of $65 to get reinstated. Guess that's the service you get for a really cheap phone plan. I only use mine once or twice a month so it's not worth paying more.

  9. Oh my goodness, reading this gave me flashbacks to hours of my life sucked away in phone conversations with my insurance I had to purchase through the Marketplace (i.e. Obamacare) for the last three years. The final straw was they locked me out of my account the last six months of my insurance coverage, and agent after agent told me they fixed it, but never did. Don't get me wrong... customer service by phone is a nightmare in general, but I had not experienced anything as maddening as that insurance experience. It sounds like your experience at least matches mine (or may beat it).

    Onto happier topics... That doll is adorable, Mary Anne. She will likely become an heirloom, cherished for many years by your granddaughter. That, or loved to shreds. Both scenarios seem equally lovely.

    1. Insurance, in the grand scheme of things, is far more important than a cell phone. Your experience must have been horrible and ever so maddening to deal with.
      Hopefully the doll will be loved as much as I loved mine when I was a little girl.

  10. Oh, how frustrating!!! And how scary to have the credit card compromised. Hope you can resolve it all soon.

    1. Luckily the credit card company stopped the fraud before they got started so we won't incur any further problems. I think (hope!) I got the cell phone issue sorted out but certainly not because I could speak to a real live person.

  11. oops, somehow I skipped over seeing the completed doll/dress. I really like the way the hair turned out. Congrats on finishing her.

    1. I'm happy with her and hopefully our little grandie will be too once Christmas comes.


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