A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024


Now how did THAT happen??!!  

Two pairs of lounging pants seem to have jumped the line and gotten sewn up.  Strange how that happens. I use McCall's 4244 for these.  Easy and fairly fast to make.

- an awwwww thing is HERE.  

- If you have need of cleaning a cutting board, there are some good tips HERE.

- THESE would be fun to make and wouldn't have to be used for plants unless you wanted to.

- I'm sure there are lots of uses for THIS as well.

Today the quote is from Emile Zola..."We are like books.  Most people only see our cover, the minority read only the introduction, many people believe the critics.  Few will know our content"



  1. Oh what neat "jimmy-jammies"!! nice job!! i am going to try making a placemat today with leftover jelly strip quilt that I cut into pieces for this (another "fail" quilt!!). Hugs, Julierose

    1. Our boys are both really tall and off-the-rack lounging pants are floodwaters on them so Mom to the rescue. Our whole family changes into them the minute we come in the door - so much more comfie and saves wear and tear on our 'good' clothes.
      And there are no 'fails' in quilting - just design opportunities!

  2. that link reminds me I need to add some new plastic cutting boards to my basket in Amazon!!

    1. Cutting boards are pretty cheap if you have a dollar store in your area.

  3. Anonymous4:31 PM

    So good looking the plaids for the lounge pants. That cat is definitely an AWWWWWW with capital letters. I really need to learn how to do this. Have you ventured into the amigurumi territory? I am off to make a lavendar scented stuffed patchwork heart for a guild swap. Thanks for all your squirrel sites. Pamela Papazidis

    1. He's getting plaid pants this time because all the other prints they had in the store were too juvenile
      Yes, I've done what I guess could be called amigurumi although I thought of them as being just small toys.
      Glad you enjoy the links!

  4. Lucky sons! Those pants are very cool.

  5. Jumping on here real quick to respond to your note you left on my blog about your hands hurting from threading elastic. Thought you might like to see the technique I use for garments. I pull the elastic through as I sew. You don't have to have a serger. I actually got this published in a sewing mag a few years back. I'm enjoying Fl for a couple of weeks and behind on blog reading. Later Gater.

    1. Thank you Joy - I'll check it out for sure. I truly dread trying to pull the elastic through because I know it's going to be a painful process.

  6. I don't think I have to make any of those for a bit, though I should perhaps make a couple of new nightgowns for myself (two of mine are probably 15 years old). You did an awesome job on those. I use a Simplicity pattern for my pj bottoms.

    God bless.

    1. I seem to make these fairly regularly for our family - mainly because they get so much wear.

  7. That Zola said a mouthful.

    1. There's a lot of truth to what she (he?) said.

  8. Hee heee.. how did those pants jump the queue?? Still, good to get them done :) xx

    1. Special request from #1 son - his got ruined so he needs replacements.

  9. Isn't a spontaneous start-and-finish satisfying? Thanks for the Zola quotation.

    1. They were a special request from #1 son so I thought I'd get them done and out of the way.

  10. That was a quick squirrel moment, they look great!


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