A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

And...we have a quilted sky

 I finally decided that I would do simple stipple quilting throughout the sky using invisible thread so it wouldn't show overly much.  Then I progressed to doing more on the shed/barn and added some stitch detailing and some paint and coloured pencil.  Finally I worked on thread painting the trees.  

- If you have a dry-erase board, perhaps THESE tips might come in handy.

- There might be something HERE that would inspire you.

- I doubt I would attempt to make THESE but they sure are pretty!

- If you use DMC floss perhaps you'd find THIS little tip interesting.  While you're there have a peek at the 'Free Tools' category where you will find colour charts for various types of floss as well as Kreinik threads.

Today's quote is from Winston Churchill..."Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"


  1. That is sure coming along nicely.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie! It's been fun to work on.

  2. Your swirly sky quilting is so pretty--and that shed is just fantastically realistic--nice work!!
    Thanks for the "DMC Thread pull linky--I cannot tell you how many knotted skeins I have!! So frustrating!!:((((
    So pull at the barcode # side, right? [Can i even just read directions, anymore???] hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks Julierose - I'm happy with it.
      Yes, the barcode # side is correct although I can never remember that. I just look for the longer piece of end thread which seems to work, at least most of the time.

  3. Your landscape is really developing now. I'm wondering if flowers will get in, as they tend to..

    1. Sadly there will be no flowers in this one. I tried to think how I could add some but realized that the fact that it's a nighttime scene means any flowers wouldn't really show anyway. Another case of learning to listen to what the landscape wants!

  4. Nice Progress!
    The quilt scarf is interesting, and the geode candles are a nice project. It would be nice to paint flower pots like those candles.
    The floss tip is so neat!

    1. I'd love some of those geode candles but not enough to want to get into the mess of trying to make them. Candle-making just might be in my future though - I'm thinking about it.

  5. love what you have done so far. Also thank you for the tip for the DMC thread, did not know that.

    1. Thank you Gill - and glad you liked the tip!

  6. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Sherry of createology: The sky looks wonderful MA. And the little cabin is coming to life now. I knew you would know what to do. We are getting some serious rain now and it is very refreshing . Hope all is well with you two. Hugs…

    1. I figured a less is more approach to quilting the sky would be appropriate for this one.
      We had freezing rain last night and the car is now covered in a combination of snow and ice. The planned outing today won't be happening because I'm going to wait for Mother Nature to melt it off.

  7. Oooh, I think the invisibie thread gives it a hint of the static in the sky - well chosen!

    1. I hadn't thought of that! I just didn't want the stitching to show overly much.


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