A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, November 06, 2023

Too late smart?

First of all - if I'm lax in  making comments on your blogs,  please know that I'm still reading, but I'm having to curtail some of my surfing so I can get other things accomplished.  I will return to the regular system soon (I hope!). 

 As you know, the knitting needles are a smokin' here at Chez Magpie, to the detriment of my hands.  I made an executive decision over the weekend that next THIS year Grandma will not be making sweaters (at least not for the older three grandies who have a disconcerting habit of getting bigger every year).  Instead I plan on making PJ's that, as RC very wisely pointed out, would get a whole lot more wear than sweaters anyway.  He went on to point out that I need to get good use out of that new sewing machine.  Good point.  Hindsight being what it is, I rather wish I'd come to this plan before I attempted to knit  three sweaters this year.  After I reverse knitted part of the second one at least four times, the RC convinced me to cut my losses and walk run away. I'm trying not to feel too relieved.

I did finish this set over the weekend...

Hat pattern is my usual go-to HERE and the fingerless mittens are THESE.  One more set to go (once my reflective yarn arrives).

And...just to prove I wasn't slacking, I made these, also heading for the Christmas box...

Before you get TOO excited, I use
melt and pour soap base and 
just add colouring and scent.  Easy peasy!
(they still have to be 'gussied' up for giving)

- THIS scarf looks pretty easy to create and I like that it's actually practical.

- I've never heard of being able to purl (knitting) backwards but apparently you can and you can read about it HERE.  I don't think I actually understand how the process works but it will be fun to try it.

- There are lots of free patterns available HERE (some are paid as well)

- THIS takes you to a PDF file for a fun 30-day gratitude journal.

- Those of you who quilt, perhaps you'd like to check out the myriad of free patterns HERE (thank you to Canadian Needle Nana for this one!)

Today's quote is from Bernard M Baruch (a very wise man, as it turns out)...."If you have made a mistake cut your losses as quickly as possible"


  1. I understand about commenting, right now with Mikes recovery and his sister getting out of hospital last week, I have little time to comment and to do some stitching.
    We love seeing the links you provide for us.
    Love the fingerless gloves.


    1. I could feel my stress level rising and RC could tell, so I think not making sweaters any longer is a good decision. B'sides, I'm anxious to play with the new sewing machine!
      Glad you enjoy the links.

  2. I like the idea of cutting your losses, a good policy. The Duke of Wellington had a few, as well as big wins like Waterloo, but he said you need to tie a knot, then go on! Applies to projects as well as battles. Particularly if the project has turned into a battle.

    1. Yes, the sweaters had become a battle. I thought I'd be smart and try doing one top-down so I wouldn't have to sew seams. It worked to a point, until I hit doing the collar and for the life of me I could not make it work out. After reverse stitching it (over 200 stitches!) at least four times it was time to call it quits. My hands, once they recover, will be happy.

  3. Love those fingerless mittens pattern and the hat, too...thanks for the linky--just maybe i could make a pair...we'll see how the hands go...I am looking forward to seeing your pj's that you plan on making.
    I am asking myself why I started this QAL--nothing looks right to me today...hmmmm maybe it's that pesky time change--
    talk about "cranky-pants"!! Hugs, Julierose z-z-z-z-z

    1. Oh, don't get me started on the miserable time change!! It takes me at least a couple weeks to recover and yes, cranky pants for sure.
      Re the hat pattern - it comes in various sizes and it's quite stretchy so it's very forgiving for varying head sizes. Simple K2, P2 contruction too.

  4. Playing catch up with commenting...I'd never heard of reflective wool...what an amazing idea. And the pattern that made your jaw drop...yes mine too. Thanks for the links to the scarves...always looking for those. Knitting sweaters is a lot of work! And doing them in time for their growth and interests is a bit of a would be for me for sure. It's not like you are stuck for things to fill your time! Happy stitching or playing with your new machine and thanks too for the mention.

    1. It's easy to locate neon glow-in-the-dark yarn but I know our son would never wear it so when I discovered a reflective option I was pretty happy. Now just have to hope it arrives in time for me to make the hat.
      And yes, you can't imagine the relief I feel with the decision not to make sweaters! My heart is willing but my hands are weak. From now on I'll be making toys and small things like hats and mittens.

  5. RC gives good advice. The cathouse pattern is adorable! The triangular scarf, that shape can be worn so that your upper back has extra warmth under a winter coat. I use summer shawls or a piece of fleece that way for those very windy cold days.

    1. Yes, he does give good advice that I would do well to learn to pay attention to!
      I like the idea of the triangular scarf as well - multitude of uses for that one and it doesn't look too hard to make.

  6. Gratitude journal, "Something you love about work": When it is done!

    1. hee hee - good one!! And oh how true.

  7. I might knit one sweater for Harvey as a Christmas gift, but would much rather sew pj's or robes.

    God bless.

    1. You're going to knit an adult-size sweater between now and Christmas? How I wish you could teach me how to knit that fast!

  8. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Sherry of createology: RC is very wise…cut your losses. Your needles must be fire free or they might rub together and begin a fire with all your knitting. I like the idea of sewing PJs for Christmas. Donna called them “Grammies Jammies”. My mistakes seem to happen all too often! November Blessings Dear…

    1. I still have a couple small knit projects to do but they're pretty easy. I, too, think PJ's are a good thing and should have decided on those before. I already make the grandies a new pillowcase every year so PJ's would be a natural progression.

  9. EnJOY sewing is all I gotta say. You know me.

    1. Yes, sewing is so much easier on the hands (at least I hope sewing PJ's will be!).

  10. I think the pyjamas are a great idea and will save your poor fingers! Looking forward to seeing what you make! Hugs Christine xx

    1. I hope they turn out okay. I'm not much at sewing clothing but we'll see. Surely there's not much I can mess up with PJ's?


Thank you so much for leaving comments! I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy life to talk to me. It's wonderful to know that someone is actually reading my mumblings and even more fun if I can connect with you and visit your blog.