A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

 Someone left a comment asking how I made the lip balms and I must admit I cheated somewhat this time by buying pre-made lip balm in a tub that I simply melted down and added flavouring to. You can find it HERE.  I used peppermint and chocolate flavours (make sure they are safe for use on the body... not kitchen flavouring you use to bake with). You can find a selection HERE.   As a further note, you can make it a little more involved and make the balm 'from scratch'.  I've used this recipe...

Homemade Lip Balm
                                            5 T. coconut oil
                                        3 T. beeswax pellets
                                       12 drops essential oil
     Melt oil and beeswax in the microwave, stirring every 30 seconds.  Add essential oil.  Pour into containers and let cool.  Makes about 4 small containers.

- THIS caught my eye.  I won't be making it, however. 

- THESE would make nice gifts.  She also has a number of other great gift ideas HERE.

- More ideas can be found HERE.  

- THIS is really cute (scroll down for the English version)

Today's quote is from George R R Martin..."A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.  The man who never reads lives only one"


  1. The link to all kinds of bags is cool. Funny how you can't have too many bags.

    1. Bags are good, provided you can remember what you put in them!

  2. Nice ideas on those links. I like the ornament pattern for making a deer, just add pipe cleaner antlers.

    1. Glad you like the links! I have altogether too much fun searching them out so I can share.

  3. Thank-you for sharing, this is a great idea for stocking stuffers.


    1. For sure! Or just a teeny little gift all on its own

  4. Hmmm, your recipe sounds very nice. I think I may just have to give it a try once I find the proper essential oils/flavourings.

    God bless.

    1. I'm hopeful that they will be well received at Christmas. I'm sure there are other places you can obtain the necessary ingredients but I've used Voyageur and had good luck with them.

  5. You always seem to find such great ideas. I love that knitted elf.

    1. I have fun searching for the links - there's so much out there that's interesting to share.


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