A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Having fun

 I'm having fun playing with yarn and a crochet hook and working on a couple of wee toys for the grandies.  This is the first one...

Pattern is THIS one.  Jury is out whether or not it actually looks like the Creeper from Minecraft and I'm trying to figure a way to make the head appear 'square-er'.  Had I thought ahead (hah, pun not intended there!) I should have put something like plastic canvas inside to help it hold the shape.  Thinking hat is on....

- THIS is a rather cute little Santa cross stitch design.  And there are more cute ones HERE.  

- THIS was an awww moment (alas no instructions or even who made it).

- THIS would make a nice little gift if it were accompanied by a new mug and perhaps filled with hot chocolate packets.

When I came across this I had to share it - there are some good ones!


  1. I wonder if anyone else turns your blogposts into a guessing game, trying to guess before clicking, what we'll see! I'm rarely right, but keep trying. No malarkey there!

    1. That's great! I'm so glad you've turned it into a game....adds suspense!

  2. Anonymous9:46 AM

    To being with, thanks for your post. I look forward to seeing it each time. Are you an experienced crocheter? I would like to make the little Minecraft guy but it looks hard. I only do very minimal single crochet. I love your sharing of the site with the many embrodiered Santas. Now that I am retired I feel like I can actually take on a project like that as a year long goal. You are appreciated. Pamela

    1. Welcome Pamela! Thank you for leaving a comment. The Minecraft character isn't really difficult and only uses single crochet, however, as with many patterns, the instructions sometimes leave something to be desired. I've crocheted for years so was able to get through it (with the exception of wishing I'd used plastic canvas inside the head so it would keep the proper shape). My advice would be to choose a relatively simple toy pattern from a reputable company for your first attempt. I generally find patterns that are written on someone's blog tend to be not quite as professional and either leave out steps or use short forms that aren't the norm. I would, if you haven't already, join Ravelry and explore the toy options there. Read the pattern notes from others that have made the item and also check the 'star' designations - 5-star means it's usually a great pattern. Hope that helps! Feel free to email me (marmic1954 @ gmail DOT com) if you'd like!

  3. The words, funny, I use about half of them.
    Cute toy, it looks fun to make.
    The link to felt ornaments is a fantastic. Good ideas there.
    Have a fun weekend!

    1. I use them too! To me they are pretty commonplace words but apparently not so to everyone.

  4. What a cute toy. You did a great job, even if the head is not square.

    God bless.

    1. Still working on figuring out how to fix that issue but not sure I can (and I'm not about to remake the toy just to fix that!)

  5. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Sherry of createology: How cute is this little guy?! I am so far behind for Christmas this year and every day just keeps flying faster. Great list of words. Thank you dear.

    1. It seems as we get older the time flys by a whole lot faster and it's hard to keep up, so I know how you feel.

  6. I've made just a few amigurumi, and I was wondering how they get all those square edges on the original design. Odd that the designer doesn't explain how to get all the corners to be corners.

    1. This pattern was on a blog so wasn't 'professionally done' so I had to assume a few things. Had I been thinking I would have put some plastic canvas inside the head. Still working on a solution.

  7. I don't know the characters but I think it's pretty square. And colorful for sure. One of my favorite words is absquatulate - to leave abruptly - which my husband likes to do when we're visiting. (Drives me crazy!) He's got the GS's using "knucklehead" - and coming from a 4-yr-old is pretty funny.

    1. It doesn't look too bad in the photo but once it's touched the head goes round. The Minecraft 'character' has a square head, hence my wanting to keep it that way.

  8. Love this adorable creature, I am not a knitter or crocheter but love seeing what you create. Thank-you for the links.

    1. Toys are fun to make (or at least I enjoy them!) so good thing I have grandies to indulge. They'll grow out of them soon enough.

  9. Yes, love the aww moment and its pinterest page which led me to other cute things.

    1. That's the trouble with Pinterest - their middle name should be 'rabbit hole'!

  10. Every one of those words is very familiar to me. Not sure what that suggests about my vocabulary as a whole.
    p.s. I've noticed that your comments are sometimes not showing up on my blog, until I go to the dashboard and "OK" them. Sorry for the delay, and thank you for continuing to leave comments!!

    1. Hmmm- no clue why comments aren't going through the way they normally do. I don't think anything has changed on my end (but who knows!). I have my blog set so I have to approve comments so it sometimes takes me a little while to get to it.


Thank you so much for leaving comments! I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy life to talk to me. It's wonderful to know that someone is actually reading my mumblings and even more fun if I can connect with you and visit your blog.