A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, August 04, 2023

We interrrupt this segment....

Massive storm here last night
Above, just a few of the hailstones.
Below - water flowing from the embankment
behind our building across the park and into
the river

Above - just one of the many trees snapped off - this one is in the 
park just beside our buildings.
Below - buildup of hail in Resident Chef's
peppers on the balcony

Shattered taillight on our car...hood & roof
covered in pockmarks from the large hail.
We were lucky - several other people
in our complex lost their windshields and
UPDATED TO ADD - we need a new windshield too,
hairline cracks that didn't show up last night

Power out so covered the fridge and our small freezer and bar-sized
fridge with blankets to retain the coolness.

Power JUST came back on and then the transformer blew just behind our building causing a massive light show for a few minutes.  Bless our hydro and fire crews because they had our power back on in the middle of the night.

This wasn't the post I had planned for today, but thought you might like to see our excitement (hah!) here at Chez Magpie.  I know the rest of the town is in worse shape than we are so we consider ourselves very blessed.


  1. So glad you're safe. What a dramatic night.

    1. Yes, things were certainly interesting for a little while. Never seen such a storm in my lifetime.

  2. What a nightmare of a storm that hit you!! Happy to hear that you didn't get too much damage. It's no fun with those power outages at all!! I hope your power gets restored quickly and that you don't lose your food...Stay safe up there...hugs, Julierose

    1. Our power came back on about 2:30 in the morning so it wasn't too bad. Blanketing our fridge and freezer and not opening them helps retain the coolness.

  3. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Sherry of createology: Thank God you and Resident Chef weren’t hurt in any of this nightmare storm. Your car can be repaired fortunately. Praying for your town and the people. Mother Nature is not happy with our planet and how we don’t take good care of it. May you have a peaceful weekend my friend. Blessings…

    1. Yes, cars can be repaired. I haven't heard of anyone being hurt so that's an even bigger blessing. It was pretty scary for awhile though.

  4. That's awful! Sorry y'all went through such a bad storm. That hail is huge.
    If I ever get a vehicle with a sunroof, then I'll keep a piece of plywood with holes and rope to tie it on roof and windshield.

    1. I suspect, with wind and rain like we had, that plywood would simply blow off. Luckily our sunroof survived unscathed, others in our parking lot weren't so fortunate. Haven't heard if the storm is going to be classed as a tornado but it won't surprise me.

  5. Oh my, that was quite the storm you had. So glad your power company got out quickly and got things running again.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, we're quite grateful for the power company and the emergency people. After the transformer blew behind our building the fire crew was here for quite awhile making sure everything was safe.

  6. oh no - what a terrible storm! Those hailstones - my goodness! I am glad you are safe, but you'll have a bit of tidying up to do now :( Take care and stay safe xxxxx

    1. Yes, haven't seen hail that large that I can remember in my lifetime.

  7. Holy smokes! That's a massive storm! I hope the car repairs aren't too much of a hassle.

    1. They're not saying it was a tornado but it was awfully close to it. We have a new windshield and new tail light on order but might take a week or two for the parts to arrive. The hail damage might take at least a couple months because there's a ton of cars needing repair.

  8. Just so long as you have remained safe. Everything else can be fixed! Hope it doesn't take too long for the repairs to be carried out. Hugs Christine xx

    1. Have to wait for parts to arrive for the windshield and the tail light. The body work will take quite awhile before it gets done.

  9. Oh my, storms like that are scary, yours was a doozy for sure! I'm glad you got your power back on pretty quickly.

    1. I'm glad the power came back on quickly as well. We wrapped our fridge and freezer in quilts and blankets just in case.

  10. Gosh! I'm "catching up backwards" this morning, and am glad to know the results of the weather are already under control. But yikes, what a storm!

    1. They called it a 'downburst' and clocked the winds at 115 mph. Not something I ever want to live through again, for sure.

  11. Glad you are ok. I don't know why anyone here hadn't thought of the idea of covering up fridge and freezers with whatever to insulate them during summer power outages.

    1. I don't know why but it's automatic for us to cover the fridge and freezer when the power goes out. It's a pain hauling out all the blankets and quilts but a little bit of pain vs losing all our food is a small price to pay.

  12. Oh dear! Glad you are okay - sorry about your car. My daughter had storm damage to her car last week and was without power for almost 3 days. Luckily she was able to stay with her in-laws with the baby and 4-yr-old. It's sure been a summer to remember.

    1. It's definitely been a summer with a lot that doesn't bear repeating, that's for sure. Glad your daughter and her famiy are okay, but too bad about the power. Ours was fortunately only off for about half a day.


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