A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Lady of the Evening

 Hah - get your minds out of the gutter you lot!  What else could I be referring to but the fact that the knitting needles are polished and fired up and my evenings have been spent creating these...

Next up is to make inroads on the hundred kitchen dish scrubbies our #2 son has requested.  He was kidding (I think!).

- THIS takes you to a PDF for a really nice tree skirt.

- I try not to send you to a pattern that costs money, but THIS one is an awwwww thing.

- If you have a Harry Potter fan in your life, perhaps one of THESE might be just the thing.

- There are some fun ideas for using those cups and saucers we have collected over the years if you go HERE.

Today's quote is from Anita Roddick..."Be courageous.  It's one of the only places left uncrowded"


  1. It's good to have gift requests. Then you know they'll be pleased. Meanwhile, blazing needles!

    1. Blazing needles and sore thumbs! Today I'm working on the postcard series and hopefully will finish those in short order.

  2. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Sherry of createology: Your knitting needles must be Smokin! You have so many wonderful links for creative minds dear. WOW…100 dish scrubbiest is quite a few. I think I have made about two dozen total for friends and family in the past.

    1. No, #2 son is NOT getting 100!! He'll count himself lucky if he gets 8 or 10.

  3. Neat links;)))-- I see your needles will be flashing away...
    I am still resting the hands [aaargh].
    I am going to try to use up my mini charms next--when I return to sewing...I do love sewing with them despite the mini differences in sizes... not aiming for perfection anyway...hugs, Julierose

    1. I should be resting my hands more but no time for that right now. Serves me right for being behind.

  4. Gonna start calling you "Speedy". Takes me days just to make one, and then I always have a messed up loopy stitch here or there. Your work is awesome.

    1. Oh yes, it took me days to make each of those hats....I just saved them to show here until I was done them all. So I'm not that speedy!

  5. Oh my MA: Lady of the evening, I had to giggle, I plan on learning to knit next year, its in my bucket list of things to do. Love the hats, thank-you for the great links.


    1. Glad I made you giggle! I aim to please. I generally try to change between crochet and knitting to give my hands a break but right now it's all knitting.

  6. I have found that very rarely do our offspring kid about our knitting.... Mine has put in another order for two knitted blankets for friends. Heaven help me.

    God bless.

    1. Oh I know our son and I know he was kidding. I do know though, that he wants a year's worth. Wow - two more blankets. Obviously they don't know how many hours they take!

  7. Your evenings have been busy!

    1. I can't stand sitting in front of the tv with idle hands.

  8. Cute hats!
    I found a hat pattern I like on one of your links. After I switched browser settings, my bookmarks were lost.
    Going through folders on my bookshelf, I found a clipping for a hat and scarf that I like as well.

    1. Sorry you lost the pattern you liked - wish I could go back and find the one, but it's not doable. Glad you found something else that you also like.

  9. Great hats! Well done, you.


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