A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, November 08, 2024

A minor hurrah

 Sometimes we need to celebrate the small things in life and right now I'm doing just that over the fact that I finally waded through the file drawer filled with genealogy materials.  There's a huge pile gone to recyling and on Tuesday I will be taking a number of books to donate to the genealogy department at the library.  One more file drawer to go through and then it's on to my landscape fabric storage units.  The end is in sight!

Once that is done I must turn my attention to THAT day in December and get busy on projects to add to the box.  The search is on for appropriately-themed flannelette for Grandie PJ's.  Up until now I've pretty much always knitted them each a sweater but my hands are balking at that so PJ's with hopefully matching pillowcases are their replacement.

- I thought THIS was interesting but not sure about using beads.

- I may have pointed you to THIS last year (or maybe the year before).  Thought it was worth a re-do.

- If someone with long hair is on your gift list this year, perhaps one of THESE might be a nice gift.

- Have a peek at THESE!

Today the quote is from Thomas Edison..."Most of my ideas belonged to other people who never bothered to develop them"


  1. Sounds like you are really making good progress--;))) hugs, Julierose

    1. One more file cabinet drawer to do and then it's on to the rest of my fabric and yarns.

  2. Good job on the paper declutter!

    1. Yes, I must admit to feeling quite virtuous at the moment.

  3. It sounds like you have found the light at the end of the genealogy tunnel, I congratulate you, it is not fun nor easy going through files and getting rid of paper, Mike is shredding stuff we have had for years. Love the hat for long hair, I may have to have my sister in law make me one, I have long hair. The dogs of glass oh my.


    1. Yes, I'm over and done with genealogy for the moment. Christmas has to come first.

  4. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Sherry of createology: Congratulations Dear! You have certainly earned a good rest from purging. Gift making is much more fun! Listen to me…I have yet to do anything for gifts. My husband has been ill most of this year and we just found out he not only has Shingles but he is having AFIB. We cannot even get in to the Cardiologist for 6 weeks. STRESS is fueling me. Blessings…

    1. I'm so sorry your DH (and you) are going through so much. Hopefully a space will open up sooner than six weeks.

  5. It must be a great feeling to feel "cleaner".

    1. Yes, having less 'stuff' is a good thing!

  6. Replies
    1. So far I've spent the better part of an entire day searching for the fabric for making PJ's. Who knew finding a Canadian source for Spiderman flannel would be such a pain!

  7. I still have files to go through, but Harvey needs to help as it is mostly his papers and things. Though I do have files that contain things that the sons did in school. I think I should get them together and add those to their Christmas baskets. You are doing very well with your clearing out.

    God bless.

    1. I cleared out the things 'belonging' to our boys when we moved to this apartment because there simply wasn't room to store it. I had collected a Christmas ornament for each of them every year but they had absolutely no interest in any of them so they were donated too. Felt bad about that, but no sense in burdening them with something that only I had any liking for.

  8. You're seeing light at the end of the tunnel - good job. Love those glass creations.

    1. I've always been fascinated by glass so they caught my eye.

  9. You have inspired me to finally tackle two things: files collected and created for settling my late brother's estate, and all the crazy medical papers (dr reports, articles/studies, PT exercises, etc) I've collected over the past two years. It will probably be after Thanksgiving - or maye I can just start spending 15-30 minutes at a time and do it slowly...

    1. Slow and steady is the way to go and eventually you'll get through it. I'm proof positive of that!


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