A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Ka- boom!!!

 Yes, my sewing room looked like a massive explosion happened just shortly after these photos were taken...

Do you see all those totes?  They're full of fabric which shortly after these pictures were taken was dumped out on the floor for me to paw through searching for fodder for the latest landscape. 

Trust me - you don't want to see what THAT mess looked like!!!

This is the result....
It's at the stage where I seriously wonder why I think
I have any business working on these at all.
It will get better.  
I hope.

- There are some great gift ideas HERE.

- It might be a tad late to make THIS for this year, but something to bookmark for next year.

- HERE is another of those awwwww things.

- There might be some ideas HERE for gift giving.  And HERE too. And HERE. Oh, and HERE.  Or maybe HERE.


  1. This is where we talk you off the ledge of the latest artwork, reminding you we've been here before with you, it came out beautiful!

    1. Yep, ledge-teetering is definitely happening! I imagine all artists feel that way about their work at some point so I know I'm not alone.

  2. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Sherry of createology: Oh Dear all that fabric is what makes your Works of HeArt so amazing. I would not embrace the task of sorting and putting it all away. Never doubt your artistic abilities my friend because you always succeed with excellence! Blessings Dear.

    1. Always nice to know that someone has faith in me! This one is a whole lot more detailed than any I've done before so jury is definitely out on how successful I'll be.

  3. Think of opening a bin as the beginning of a new fabric discovery. Happy Memories open up, ideas flowing thing.

    1. A new fabric discovery - I like that. Far better than being overwhelmed by the choices!

  4. I have no doubt that it will get better! I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one that creates big messes in search of that perfect fabric!

    1. I can't imagine ever not creating a huge mess because I always do, no matter how hard I try. I've reached the conclusion though that I need to downsize some of it because my available space is bulging at the seams. That's going to be my after-Christmas job!

  5. I love fabric I could bury myself and be so happy, my fabric cabinet is a mess, lucky I can close the doors.
    Thank-you for all the links you are amazing to find and share with us.


    1. Unfortunately I can't hide mine behind closed doors - I'm forced to have everything in totes and once they reach the point where they're overflowing something has to be done (see above response!). Glad you enjoy the links!

  6. Totally agree with Boud's comment.... we go through this stage every time Mary Anne and they turn out great. You need to develop more confidence in yourself! Have a lovely weekend! Do you have white stuff yet? Hugs Christine xx

    1. Oh I know - experience has taught me that it will get better but there's always that moment of doubt! Would be helpful had I ever had any art training but it's hit or miss. I just know what I like when I get there, but sometimes the journey is full of bumps and potholes.
      Yes - it's snowing as I write.

  7. Isn't it wonderful that you have the fabric necessary to work on your art. Making a mess brings us great joy. It will always be cleared up.

    Love the links once again.

    God bless.

    1. I think I have altogether too much fabric and that makes decision-making a lot harder. If the choices are fewer it seems easier.

  8. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Finally getting a few minutes to read your posts. Lots of great links. As I started here, I will have to wait to read about your next landscape venture. I often take out piles of fabric when starting a new project. That's part of the process. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

    1. Yes, suffering from piles is definitely part of the process, at least it is for me. Glad you enjoyed the links!
      Merry Christmas wishes to you and yours as well.

  9. Doesn't everyone have the "why did I start this" stage? Just keep plugging, you always get it in the end!

  10. Think of it as refinding treasures, you just have plenty to go through!
    My craft room is still a mess and I don't have much to show for it.

    1. Most of it is treasure but there's some that's never going to be used so it's going to have to leave so I can get the totes least that's what I'm telling myself.


Thank you so much for leaving comments! I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy life to talk to me. It's wonderful to know that someone is actually reading my mumblings and even more fun if I can connect with you and visit your blog.