I have some more done on my latest landscape, but it's not all that different from what you saw last time, so....instead of a picture of what looks like no change, I thought I'd share the zucchini muffin recipe....
2 c. shortening
4 c. white sugar
8 eggs, beaten
4 tsp. vanilla
9 c. all purpose flour
2 tsp. baking soda
4 tsp. cinnamon
10 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. nutmeg
2 tsp. salt
1 c. sour milk
8-10 c. grated zucchini
TOPPING: 1/2 c. brown sugar + 1 tsp. cinnamon
Combine shortening, sugar, eggs and vanilla. Combine dry ingredients and add to shortening mixture, along with sour milk and zucchini. Place in greased muffin tins and top with topping. Bake at 385 degrees F for 11 minutes or til test done. Makes 48 large muffins. NOTE: milk can be soured with a little lemon juice or you can use buttermilk.
I'm toying with, and pondering over, and trying to be sensible as I try to decide whether or not to tackle making this....

I've had the Piecemaker's calendar (with pattern) in my stash since, obviously, 2009. Ten years I've been thinking about it. But, then my sensible side comes out and I wonder what on earth I would DO with it if I did make it. We only have one bed in this household and it's already covered. My boys (and their wives) would turn up their noses at it and there is certainly, most definitely, decidedly, no wall space to hang it. And then there's the question that IF (big if!) I were to make it would I stick to the black & white theme as shown or go off in a whole 'nother direction and make each block a colour study. The latter would suite my stash much better because at this point I doubt I would have enough blacks to do it justice (at least not without a lot of repeats throughout). And then there's the proverbial need/want to reduce my stash....but then.....what would I DO with it!!!
waffle, waffle.....
And, instead of a quote today, I thought I'd show you this (which came as a revelation to me!!!)...