A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Friday, January 24, 2014

I really wasn't idle!

These pictures are just to show you that I really wasn't sitting around eating bon bons and leafing through fashion magazines whilst my computer was at the spa...

I worked on my crazy quilted needle roll,
which I am going to have to show you in three
sections because it's actually 34 inches long...

You'll have to use your imagination to
see that these three sections actually join.  
As always, they're clickable so you can 
see more detail.

I also pieced these background which will
ultimately become three purses I have been 
asked to create.  Of course they have
all requested black, which necessitated a 
fabric purchasing/thrifting expedition.
There's no way I will pay fabric shop prices for
the fancy fabrics I like to use when there's perfectly good
yardage to be found in blouses and shirts!

Here's the pile...

These should keep me out of mischief for a few weeks!

And, here's a quote for today...
"Do your little bit of good where you are;
it's those little bits of good put together that
overwhelm the world."
- Archbishop DesmondTutu


  1. Lovely:) I love all the different bits of fabric and lace that you have used...very pretty.

  2. i agree totally about the blouses and shirts...nice picks. always love your quotes.

  3. Maybe the computer should go away more often... Just think of what else you could accomplish.

  4. Several things in your post today that I love! First the quote! Second I am picturing an all black bag and it is fantastic. The cream colored needle roll....WOW!!!

  5. Ah thrifting for materials, that's my tribe! also any excuse for a trip to the thriftie. I read recently in a very posh embroidery blog that the linen you buy in garments is NOT RIGHT for embroidery. Hah! fightin' words..

  6. Dear Maryanne
    Thank you for popping in - it's always lovely to see you!
    Love your new CQ pieces - you have been very busy.
    You enjoy the party dear you'll find lots of stitchers too.

  7. Love the needle roll and am interested to see the inside as well, when you're finished. I love a good trip to the thrift store. I think that I'm overdue!

  8. Maryanne!! You are a RIOT!! Spa..LOL. Love your humor and every single visit here.

    OOH, that black sounds interesting. I love black lace and silky fabric together. I may be Goth at heart.

    Have a great day and hope you are not getting the same weather we are, but you are probably getting worse.
    xx, Carol

  9. I adore the former lace pieces and the fabrics that you assembled here, and the embellishments are very promising!
    I am late to wish you a wonderful year of 2014, I thus add it a lot of happiness in more ;-)!

    Beautiful day
    Amitiés de France

  10. gorgeous images of the pouch and i LOVE LOVE LOVE the monochrome....


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