Today I had a little bit of time to play around with a technique and thought I'd try out using bleach and various things to cause resist. The paper on the top was a piece of black cardstock which I first covered with things like window screen, some punchinella, and a plastic mesh bag (the type that onions come in). I used a little spritz bottle of bleach to mist it. The paper turned out interesting, but wasn't quite what I expected. It will make a great background tho'.
The two papers on the right were done by dipping rubber stamps into bleach and stamping them on the paper (cardstock again). I like the effect on the black the best.
Finally, the paper on the left was a few different things I tried. The bugs on the left were another rubber stamp, as were the words. There is another piece of punchinella in the middle. The circles were just some varying sizes of container lids I dipped in the bleach and used as a stamp. On the right of the page I tore the edge of a piece of paper and used it as a mask. I then attempted to write using a bleach pen (the word 'play') and it blobbed, so I'm not sure I really like that method.
If you try this, make sure the area you are working on is well covered with plastic and it is preferable to work in a well-ventilated area.