Here's more proof that I'm working on my UFO pile. This is a finished Victorian Needle Box which I made using a kit from 'Charted Imagery'. I got the kit at the Toronto Needlework Festival a couple of years ago and finally got around to working on it. Purple and green are the colours of my workroom so it looks nice sitting on my table. It was a fun kit to put together and the instructions were pretty clear. Not only did I finish the project, but I also actually took the pictures AND loaded them onto my blog...all by myself. Now I know that doesn't sound like a huge deal, but to me (and to anyone who knows me) it is!
I'm having a real battle with myself at the moment trying not to succumb to starting another knitting project. I picked up the nicest yarn at Michaels on the weekend to make a baby jacket and found a cute (and free) pattern on the Coats & Clark site (http://www.coatsandclark.com/fun_and_free/yarn/lw1459.htm). I don't know if the baby will be a boy or a girl, so I got the wool in a colour called "aquamarine" which should be OK for either. The baby isn't due til July 23rd (maybe might be born on my birthday?!) so I have a bit of time. So...do I start the jacket or do I do some more UFO's? What to do, what to do....
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