A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.
Monday, August 31, 2009
I would have a picture for you today, but of course my camera needed to be recharged. Methinks a new camera might be in my future before long. This one only seems to take about a half dozen pictures before needing to hit the charger. I guess maybe it's tired after being used pretty much every day.
Nothing creative done today either because I've been away most of the day. Over the weekend I did get my shibori pieces done for my coat (which is what I would have shown you) and also have a piece of rusted fabric to show. Tomorrow!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Fat, Fire and Hooray!!
Now for the fat and fire. See that picture of denim and scrumptious red fabric? Well, I've bitten the proverbial bullet and started cutting into it. (I'm going from the fat into the fire, so to speak). I hope this will be a long coat and I'm hoping even more that it will actually fit moi. I'm not a 'sewer of clothing' per se, even tho' I've made about 25 of the denim jackets. I can do those (so sayeth my brain!) because they are classified as 'crafty' not 'couture', if you know what I mean.
I have a huge horror of making clothing that looks homemade, as opposed to hand made so generally avoid it like the plague. I don't quite know if I'm brave or just plain an idiot, but I plan to cobble together several patterns to come up with something I like. I hope.
So far I have the denim pieces cut out and am eyeing them with the thought of hacking the sleeves apart and making inserts and maybe doing the same around the bottom. The pockets will be different too.
Never let it be said that I possess a whole lot of common sense!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Metal doll?
This doll was just completed as part of a challenge on the Decidedly Different Doll Yahoo group I belong to. We were to create a doll using metal. This one is an altered doll which began as a metal Christmas tree for her skirt. The torso was a plastic doll from the thrift shop. I cut her in two at the waist (ouch!) and then gave her a lobotomy (bigger ouch!). I used cheap paper clay inside her body and to recreate the top of her head.
I deconstructed a computer keyboard and some of the keys became part of her hairstyle, along with some pretty coloured wires I had kicking around in my stash. They were stuck into the paper clay before it dried. Then I painted her with some silver paint and used funky nail polish for her lips and eye colours. Her necklace is a recycled gold chain, holding an old key I found in the garage.
Her skirt is mainly the metal Christmas tree with the addition of some silver beads, some little keys and some locks. Her cape is metal mesh ribbon.
Here's the back view. (Each of these pictures is clickable if you'd like a better look). Before you ask, my husband thinks I'm heading for the nearest looney bin!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Icicle Dolls
Monday, August 24, 2009
Swap doll

This is the little 4" doll I made to send out for a swap in our Decidedly Different Doll group. I, of course, did my usual and forgot to take a photo before sending her, so Jeanne was kind enough to forward hers on to me so I could show it here.
Today I'm working on my 'homework' for our CQTeers meeting on Wednesday (which I can't show until later) and also on my metal doll (which I can't show either). You'll just have to wait to see what I'm doing!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Treasures, Neck cricks, and scary stuff!
And, finally we come to the scary stuff....
Here's an interesting tidbit I had never heard before...did you know that it isn't safe to go outside after a thunderstorm for at least 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard? Apparently the lightning will travel underground and can surface miles away from the strike. There is a little boy in the hospital in Toronto that happened to, so it's a thing to keep in mind. (This info was announced on both our weather channel on tv and on the radio). Stay safe!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
My corpse is home!
I'm thrilled with the end result. Thank you so much to all that were in my group, and especially Arlee for being the 'force' behind the project.
***Edited to add: Each section on the piece is 'finished' at 7" square. The entire piece (excluding the outside seam allowances) measures 7" x 35".
Monday, August 17, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The fly influx seems to be abating somewhat, thankfully! At least I'm not feeling as though I have to continually look up for fear some are about to dive bomb me!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Dis-jointing and stuff
Yep, we're still swatting the flying hordes. Right now I can see eight on one light fixture in my studio, but I don't dare swat them there for fear I shatter the bulbs. Considering that I have three double lights in my room, you can just imagine how many are hovering over my head! The cats think we provided all these flies just for their entertainment (but I think they're even getting bored). Yeewww.
I returned to work on my 'metal' doll and pulled a few things out of my component box for possible use. I also spent some time tearing a computer keyboard apart (who knew there was all that usable stuff!) and also tore apart an old electric alarm clock. I'm liking all the gears and washers and interesting little 'bits' that are going directly into my component box for future reference.
Hey Arlee...recognize some of the bits in the pic?
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Incoming! DUCK!!!!! Got'im!
We're surrounded.
We're circling the wagons.
WE'RE GOING IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WE'RE GOING IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Yep, it's a scene from either 'The Birds' or 'The Fly'. We are surrounded by flies! Somehow, we've had a 'hatching' and there are literally hundreds of them in the house. They are all over everything and are divebombing our heads. They are totally stupid (fortunately) but the grossness factor is over the top. We're gaining on them, but they keep coming. If you don't hear from me in a week, send supplies......)
Monday, August 10, 2009
Finished Pillow!
I finally mustered the courage to stitch a monogram (thanks to Mary Corbet!) and I'm pretty pleased at how they turned out. There was a bit of minor puckering around the letters but I think that is due to the type of fabric I used.
The whole thing is approximately 9" square. Now I have to scrounge around to find some small plastic rings so that I can attach the ribbon to hold the wedding rings. I want that to be removable after the wedding.
Friday, August 07, 2009
Watch out!!
This morning I've been faffing about trying to find and print a semi-decent picture of me to include with the journal that is travelling with the art dolls. I HATE having my picture taken so there are very few of them around.
IF you computer managed to survive 'seeing' this come up on your screen (!) I am....
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Final journal pages and cab card find
Below is a photo of the cabinet card I bought this morning at an antique shop. I fell in like with her - she looks so sweet and innocent. At some point she will be featured in a piece of art. I really wish I was independently wealthy because I would have picked up a whole bunch of these (at $5 each, they are a bit pricey). It's such a total shame that people get rid of them...nameless, dateless and unloved. So sad. Makes me doubly sure that being meticulous about putting names and dates on each and every picture I have is so important.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Journal pages
Below is another page, this time simply painted white paper, with a coat of water base varnish to seal it. I printed off the pictures I had of what I did with her face and head and surrounded them with more of the yarn used previously. The flowers are buttons (with the shank removed) as is the sun and her purple crown.
Monday, August 03, 2009
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