as I mentioned before I am hoping that the TIF challenge this year will leave me with 12 finished 9" squares to be used in a quilt. While doing the math, I realized that I will need 30 (count em...THIRTY!!!) squares. Now that is a daunting prospect. However, in one of my few & far between moments of brilliance, I thought of all the squares I have from the round robins I've been in that are residing in a box and not seeing the light of day. Eureka!! I had to cut a few of them down in size to fit within the 9" I wanted but I have ended up with nine squares already done for my quilt! 30-9=21!! Woohoo. If I complete the challenge I will have 12 more done and will be well on my way to my goal.
I digress...sort of.
The pic today is of the very first piece of CQ I received when I first discovered the art and mustered my courage to do a trade, one-on-one. This is what I got in return for my very amateurish effort! I very nearly quit right then and there. This piece is just beautiful and will be one of the ones which will be in my quilt even tho it is under the size limit. I'll add a border around the outside of this and pretend it was that way all along!
Over the next few posts I will show more of the round robins pieces I have until I can return to this month's TIF. Hope you enjoy them!
And then there is the one that I am going to do with you-later on.