Sorry folks, no pictures today. I managed to do one little bit on my TIF block and there it ended. I don't know about any of you, but I always have a 'funk' after Christmas where I really have to struggle to get motivated to do anything. Today was dull, rainy and just plain yucky outside too, which doesn't help. So, I shall mumble.
#1 Mumble...argh...DH is at the door announcing that he's done trudging on the treadmill and it's my turn. Yeah, I know I have to do it. I know it's good for me. I know I hate walking outside in the winter. I know all those things...but I still HATE IT!!!!
#2 Mumble....all the good books I got for Christmas are staring reproachfully at me while I read my way through a bunch that were loaned to us. I really want to read my brand new books (I got Eat,Pray,Love; two new Nora Roberts novels; the latest Sara Donati; and several others). I have 'When Bad Things Happen to Good People' (also loaned to me); 'The Secret' which I'm half-way through and have promised to loan to several other people; plus I don't know how many others that are residing on the book shelves. Maybe someday I'll take a picture of them just so you have some idea of how far behind I am! And we won't mention how fascinating the library is and all I manage to haul home from there on a regular basis! They now have a service where you can just order them online & they'll call you when they're in. NOT a good thing for me. I just get trigger-happy with the enter button the the keyboard and end up with far too many books from that quarter too.
#3 Mumble...awww darn it....the cursed treadmill isn't going away is it......