A blog about my interests, which include fabric landscapes and various and assorted other artsy pursuits and sometimes known to contain mumblings of a random nature.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Pondering a new project and knitting in the evenings


For some reason the past few days have been spent pondering the state of my belly button instead of actually doing anything constructive.  I'm toying with seeing what I might be able to do with this image (once again shared by the very generous Dale Stewart)...

I think  I'm 'seeing' this with a foggy twist.  You'll have to stay tuned to see what I might manage to come up with.

Evenings have been spent knitting and I have the final hat set for the grandies Christmas box off the needles...

- For those of you who chain piece, try THIS!  So brilliant and uses things we already have (scroll down to see what I'm referring to).

- THIS is an interesting bag design.

- You might want to play with THIS technique.

- Have a peek at the incredible creations of THIS artist!  And THIS amazing artist too!!!

Today your quote is from Winston Churchill...."I no longer listen to what people say, I just watch what they do.  Behaviour never lies"


  1. Hello MA: Happy St. Patrick's Day, love the photo, hope you are able to figure out if it will be a foggy or not.
    Love the mittens and hat, so sweet.
    Thank-you for the interesting links.


    1. I think it is going to be foggy but have to do some experimenting to see how to make it work overall.

  2. The Churchill quote is so good for these days. The photo will look great in fabric.

    1. Churchill had a lot of great quotes, many of them fitting for the times we're in.

  3. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you both;))) I think the idea of fog for your upcoming landscape is a good one...
    Corned beef in the crock pot here and cabbage ready to go...potatoes peeled--YUmminess ;))) hugs, Julierose

    1. And to you Julierose! Wish I'd thought to pick up some corned beef when we were out this morning.

  4. I'm pondering a new project, too. With actual sewing! Waiting for a specially-ordered screwdriver to arrive so I can dismantle and hopefully reassemble the bobbin case in my Featherweight. Fingers crossed :)

    1. So many people would be envious of your Featherweight. Hopefully the new screwdriver will do what's needed so you can sew. Looking forward to seeing what you make!

  5. Another landscape in mind already!

    1. I always have several in mind - just waiting their turn.

  6. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Sherryofcreateology: Oh I do love this photo of Dale’s. It would be fun for me to watercolor it. I need practice in perspectives! Fancy little pink set for Christmas. These artists you have shared are super talented. ANOTHER GREAT QUOTE!

    1. Dale is an amazing photographer and I'm so lucky that he allows me to use his photos as inspiration.
      Must say that I'm happy that I can finally make a few things in pink - at least until she's old enough to let me know what her favourite colour is.

  7. Wishing you a Happy St. Patrick's Day. Love the toque and mitts.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks Jackie! Hope our wee grandie likes them too.

  8. lurve the pink - enjoy it while you can - my daughters NEVER chose pink anything, so i wear pink for them cuz pink is awesome.

    1. I actually hate pink, always have. I don't mind fushia but no light pinks for me.


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